class: center, top, title-slide .title[ # STAT 302 Statistical Computing ] .subtitle[ ## Lecture 8: Numerical Analysis ] .author[ ### Yikun Zhang (
Winter 2024
) ] --- # Outline 1. Mathematical Preliminaries (Differentiation and Integration) 2. Computer Arithmetic and Error Analysis 3. Algorithmic Rate of Convergence 4. Solutions of Equations in One Variable - Bisection Method - Fixed-Point Iteration - Newton's Method - Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method for Acceleration 5. Numerical Differentiation and Integration <p><font size="4">* Acknowledgement: Parts of the slides are modified from the course materials by Prof. Deborah Nolan. </font></p> <p><font size="4">* Reference: Numerical Analysis (9th Edition) by Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Annette M. Burden, 2015. </font></p> --- class: inverse # Part 1: Mathematical Preliminaries (Differentiation and Integration) --- # Limits and Continuity of A Function A function `\(f\)` defined on a set `\(\mathcal{X}\)` of real numbers has the **limit** `\(L\)` at `\(x_0\in \mathcal{X}\)`, written `\(\lim\limits_{x\to x_0} f(x) = L\)`, if, given any `\(\epsilon >0\)`, there exists a real number `\(\delta>0\)` such that `$$|f(x)-L| < \epsilon \quad \text{ whenever } \quad x\in \mathcal{X} \quad \text{ and } \quad 0< |x-x_0| < \delta.$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/function_limit.png" width="530"/> </p> -- - Then, `\(f\)` is **continuous** at `\(x_0\)` if `\(\lim\limits_{x\to x_0} f(x) = f(x_0)\)`. - `\(f\)` is **continuous on the set `\(\mathcal{X}\)`** if it is continuous at each point in `\(\mathcal{X}\)`. We denote it by `\(f\in \mathcal{C}(\mathcal{X})\)`. --- # Limits and Continuity of A Function Let `\(\{x_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}\)` be an infinite sequence of real numbers. This sequence has the **limit** `\(x\)` (i.e., **converges to** `\(x\)`) if, for any `\(\epsilon>0\)`, there exists a positive integer `\(N(\epsilon)\)` such that `$$|x_n -x| < \epsilon \quad \text{ whenever } \quad n>N(\epsilon).$$` We denote it by `\(\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} x_n =x\)`. -- **Theorem.** If `\(f\)` is a function defined on a set `\(\mathcal{X}\)` and `\(x_0 \in \mathcal{X}\)`, the the following statements are equivalent: a. `\(f\)` is continuous at `\(x_0\)`; b. If `\(\{x_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}\)` is any sequence in `\(\mathcal{X}\)` converging to `\(x_0\)`, then `$$\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} f(x_n) = f(x_0).$$` --- # Differentiability of A Function Let `\(f\)` be a function defined in an open set containing `\(x_0\)`. The function `\(f\)` is **differentiable** at `\(x_0\)` if `$$f'(x_0) = \lim_{x\to x_0} \frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0}$$` exists. The number `\(f'(x)\)` is called the **derivative** of `\(f\)` at `\(x_0\)`. A function that has a derivative at each point in a set `\(\mathcal{X}\)` is **differentiable on** `\(\mathcal{X}\)`. -- - The derivative of `\(f\)` at `\(x_0\)` is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of `\(f\)` at `\((x_0,f(x_0))\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/function_deriv.png" width="530"/> </p> --- # Taylor's Theorem Assume that `\(f\)` is `\(n\)`-times continuously differentiable and `\(f^{(n+1)}\)` exists on `\(x_0\in [a,b]\)`. For every `\(x\in [a,b]\)`, there exists a number `\(\xi(x)\)` between `\(x_0\)` and `\(x\)` such that `\begin{align*} f(x) &= P_n(x) + R_n(x)\\ &= \underbrace{\sum_{k=0}^n \frac{f^{(k)}(x_0)}{k!}\cdot (x-x_0)^k}_{n^{th} \text{ Taylor's polynomial}} + \underbrace{\frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!} \cdot (x-x_0)^{n+1}}_{\text{Remainder term or Truncation error}}. \end{align*}` -- - As `\(n\to \infty\)`, `\(\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} P_n(x)\)` becomes an infinite Taylor series of `\(f\)` at around the point `\(x_0\)`. --- # Theorems Related to Differentiability **Theorem.** If the function `\(f\)` is differentiable at `\(x_0\)`, then `\(f\)` is continuous at `\(x_0\)`. -- **Rolle's Theorem.** Suppose that `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and `\(f\)` is differentiable on `\((a,b)\)`. If `\(f(a) = f(b)\)`, then there exists a number `\(c\in (a,b)\)` such that `\(f'(c)=0\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/rolle_theorem.png" width="700"/> </p> --- # Theorems Related to Differentiability **Mean Value Theorem.** If `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and `\(f\)` is differentiable on `\((a,b)\)`, then there exists a number `\(c\in (a,b)\)` such that `$$f'(c)=\frac{f(b) -f(a)}{b-a}.$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Mean_Value_Theorem.png" width="700"/> </p> --- # Theorems Related to Differentiability **Extreme Value Theorem.** If `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)`, then there exist `\(c_1,c_2 \in [a,b]\)` such that `$$f(c_1) \leq f(x) \leq f(c_2) \quad \text{ for all } \quad x\in [a,b].$$` In addition, if `\(f\)` is differentiable on `\((a,b)\)`, then the numbers `\(c_1\)` and `\(c_2\)` occur either at the endpoints of `\([a,b]\)` or at the point where `\(f'\)` is zero. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Extreme_Value_Theorem.png" width="700"/> </p> --- # Other Generalized Theorems **Generalized Rolle's Theorem.** Suppose that `\(f \in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` is `\(n\)` times differentiable on `\((a,b)\)`. If `\(f(x)=0\)` at the `\((n+1)\)` distinct numbers `\(a\leq x_0 < x_1 < \cdots < x_n\leq b\)`, then there exists a number `\(c\in (x_0,x_n)\)` such that `\(f^{(n)}(c)=0\)`. -- **Intermediate Value Theorem.** If `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and `\(K\)` is any number between `\(f(a)\)` and `\(f(b)\)`, then there exists a number `\(c\in (a,b)\)` for which `\(f(c)=K\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Inter_mean_value.png" width="650"/> </p> --- # Compute Derivatives in R We can use the built-in function `D()` in R to compute the derivative of a function. ```r f = expression(x^2 + 3*x) class(f) ``` ``` ## [1] "expression" ``` -- ```r # First-order derivative D(f, 'x') ``` ``` ## 2 * x + 3 ``` ```r # Second-order and third-order derivatives D(D(f, 'x'), 'x') ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` ```r D(D(D(f, 'x'), 'x'), 'x') ``` ``` ## [1] 0 ``` --- # Compute Derivatives in R It is _inconvenient_ to compute the high-order derivatives by using `D()` in a nested way. -- - Instead, we can write our customized function in a recursive way to compute the high-order derivative. ```r compDeriv = function(expr, name, order = 1) { if(order < 1) stop("'order' must be >= 1") if(order == 1) { return(D(expr, name)) } else { return(compDeriv(D(expr, name), name, order - 1)) } } exp1 = expression(x^3) compDeriv(exp1, 'x', 3) ``` ``` ## 3 * 2 ``` Note: The process where a function calls itself directly or indirectly is called _recursion_, and the corresponding function is called a recursive function. --- # Compute Derivatives in R If the expression has more than one independent variable, we can calculate the partial derivative with respect to each of them. ```r g = expression(x^2 + y^3 + 2*x*y - 3*x + 4*y + 4) D(g, 'x') ``` ``` ## 2 * x + 2 * y - 3 ``` ```r D(g, 'y') ``` ``` ## 3 * y^2 + 2 * x + 4 ``` ```r compDeriv(g, 'x', 2) ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` ```r compDeriv(g, 'y', 3) ``` ``` ## 3 * 2 ``` --- # Evaluate R Expression and its Derivatives We can evaluate the function expression and its derivative using the built-in function `eval()`. ```r x = 1:5 f = expression(x^2 + 3*x) eval(f) ``` ``` ## [1] 4 10 18 28 40 ``` -- ```r df = D(f, 'x') class(df) ``` ``` ## [1] "call" ``` ```r df(1:3) ``` ``` ## Error in df(1:3): argument "df1" is missing, with no default ``` ```r eval(D(f, 'x')) ``` ``` ## [1] 5 7 9 11 13 ``` --- # Evaluate R Expression and its Derivatives We can evaluate the function expression and its derivative using the built-in function `eval()`. ```r g = expression(x^2 + y^3 + 2*x*y - 3*x + 4*y + 4) x = 1:5 y = 3:7 eval(g) ``` ``` ## [1] 47 98 179 296 455 ``` ```r eval(compDeriv(g, 'y', 2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 18 24 30 36 42 ``` ```r eval(compDeriv(g, 'x', 2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` --- # Evaluate R Expression and its Derivatives Using the `eval()` function requires us to assign correct values to the R variables as those in our expression. ```r remove(x) eval(f) ``` ``` ## Error in eval(f): object 'x' not found ``` -- Alternatively, we can use the built-in function `deriv()` to compute the derivatives of a function. - The return value of `deriv()` with argument `function.arg = TRUE` is an R function! ```r g = expression(x^2 + y^3 + 2*x*y - 3*x + 4*y + 4) dx = deriv(g, 'x', function.arg = TRUE) dxy = deriv(g, c('x', 'y'), function.arg = TRUE) class(dx) ``` ``` ## [1] "function" ``` --- # Evaluate R Expression and its Derivatives ```r D(g, 'x') ``` ``` ## 2 * x + 2 * y - 3 ``` ```r y = 4:8 dx_res = dx(10) dx_res ``` ``` ## [1] 234 319 434 585 778 ## attr(,"gradient") ## x ## [1,] 25 ## [2,] 27 ## [3,] 29 ## [4,] 31 ## [5,] 33 ``` ```r dx_res[1] ``` ``` ## [1] 234 ``` --- # Evaluate R Expression and its Derivatives We can access the "gradient" attribute using the `attr()` function in R. ```r attr(dx_res, "gradient") ``` ``` ## x ## [1,] 25 ## [2,] 27 ## [3,] 29 ## [4,] 31 ## [5,] 33 ``` ```r dxy(1:3, 3:5) ``` ``` ## [1] 47 98 179 ## attr(,"gradient") ## x y ## [1,] 5 33 ## [2,] 9 56 ## [3,] 13 85 ``` --- # Integration The Riemann integral of the function `\(f\)` on the interval `\([a,b]\)` is the following limit, provided it exists: `$$\int_a^b f(x) dx = \lim_{\max \Delta x_i \to 0} \sum_{i=1}^n f(z_i) \Delta x_i,$$` where the numbers `\(x_0,x_1,...,x_n\)` satisfy `\(a=x_0\leq x_1 \leq \cdots \leq x_n=b\)`, where `\(\Delta x_i = x_i-x_{i-1}\)` for each `\(i=1,2,...,n\)` and `\(z_i\)` is an arbitrary number in the interval `\([x_{i-1}, x_i]\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/riem_inte.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Fundamental Theorem of Calculus - If `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and we define `\(F(x)=\int_a^x f(t) dt\)`, then `\(F'(x)=f(x)\)` for any `\(x\in (a,b)\)`. Hence, `\(F\)` is an anti-derivative of `\(f\)`. - If `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and `\(F\)` is any anti-derivative of `\(f\)`, then `$$\int_a^b f(x) dx = F(x)\Big|_{x=a}^b = F(b) - F(a).$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Fundamental_theorem_of_calculus.gif" width="450"/> </p> --- # Weighted Mean Value Theorem for Integrals Suppose that `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)`, the Riemann integral of `\(g\)` exists on `\([a,b]\)`, and `\(g(x)\)` does not change sign on `\([a,b]\)`. Then, there exists a number `\(c\in (a,b)\)` such that `$$\int_a^b f(x) g(x)\, dx = f(c) \int_a^b g(x)\, dx.$$` - When `\(g(x)\equiv 1\)`, it leads to the usual Mean Value Theorem for integrals: `\(f(c) = \frac{1}{b-a} \int_a^b f(x)\, dx\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/weight_mean_value.png" width="500"/> </p> --- # Compute Integrals in R A Riemann integral can be computed via a built-in function `integrate()` in R. ```r inteFun1 = function(x) { x^2 + 3*x } integrate(inteFun1, lower = 0, upper = 2) ``` ``` ## 8.666667 with absolute error < 9.6e-14 ``` ```r # An integral that converges slowly inteFun2 = function(x) { return(1/((x+1)*sqrt(x))) } integrate(inteFun2, lower = 0, upper = Inf) ``` ``` ## 3.141593 with absolute error < 2.7e-05 ``` -- ```r integrate(inteFun1, lower = 0, upper = Inf) ``` ``` ## Error in integrate(inteFun1, lower = 0, upper = Inf): the integral is probably divergent ``` --- # Compute Multiple Integrals in R Compute a multiple integral `\(\int_0^1 \int_0^2 \int_0^{\frac{1}{2}} (xy + z^2 + 3yz) \,dxdydz\)`. ```r library(cubature) mulFun1 = function(x) { return(x[1]*x[2] + x[3]^2 + 3*x[2]*x[3]) } # "x" is a vector and x[1], x[2], x[3] refers to x, y, and z, respectively. mul_int = adaptIntegrate(mulFun1, lowerLimit = c(0, 0, 0), upperLimit = c(0.5, 2, 1)) mul_int ``` ``` ## $integral ## [1] 2.083333 ## ## $error ## [1] 4.440892e-16 ## ## $functionEvaluations ## [1] 33 ## ## $returnCode ## [1] 0 ``` --- class: inverse # Part 2: Computer Arithmetic and Error Analysis --- # Numbers and Characters in Computer Systems How does our computer store and recognize numbers and characters? -- - It encodes every number/character as a sequence of **bits** (i.e., binary digits 0 or 1). - It was [John Tukey](, a prestigious statistician, who first coined the term "bit". - A byte is a collection of 8 bits, e.g., 0001 0011. --- # Character Encoding Systems There are several standard encoding systems with bits for characters. - [ASCII]( -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. - Each upper and lower case letter in the English alphabet and other characters is represented as a sequence of 7 bits. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/USASCII_code_chart.png" width="500"/> </p> --- # Character Encoding Systems There are several standard encoding systems with bits for characters. - Nowadays, [Unicode]( is more commonly used for text encoding, including [UTF-8](, UTF-16, etc. - It encodes not just English letters but also special characters and emojis. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/unicode.jpg" width="550"/> </p> --- # Binary Number Representations Commonly, we write a number in the base-10 decimal system. - For instance, we write a 3-digit number **105**, representing 1 hundred, 0 tens, and 5 ones. - That is, `\(105= 1\times 10^2 + 0 \times 10^1 + 5\times 10^0\)`. -- In our computer systems, however, 105 is stored as **110 1001**, because `\begin{align*} 105 &= (1\times 2^6) + (1\times 2^5) + (0\times 2^4) \\ &\quad + (1\times 2^3) + (0\times 2^2) + (0\times 2^1) + (1\times 2^0). \end{align*}` - What is the base-10 decimal value of the 8-digit binary number **0011 0011**? -- - Answer: `\(1\times 2^0 + 1\times 2^1+ 1\times 2^4+ 1\times 2^5=51\)`. --- # Scientific Notations Integer types can be stored in our computer using the binary representation. How about other numeric types, e.g., 0.25, 1/7, `\(\pi\)`, etc? -- - The computer system uses the notion of **scientific notation** to store numbers. -- - A general scientific notation in base-10 is written as: `$$a\times 10^{b}.$$` - Terminology: `\(\,a\)` --> mantissa; `\(\quad \; b\)` --> exponent. - Examples: `\(\,0.023\)` --> `\(2.3 \times 10^{-2}\)`; `\(\quad\)` `\(-2600\)` --> `\(-2.6\times 10^3\)`. Note: The computer cannot store 1/7 and `\(\pi\)` as their exact values because the total number of digits is limited. --- # Double-Precision Floating Point IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers) in 1985 (updated in 2008) published a report to standardize - Binary and decimal floating numbers; - Formats for data interchange; - Algorithms for rounding arithmetic operations; - Handling exceptions. -- A 64-bit (binary digit) representation is used for a real number (i.e., the numeric data type in R). <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/ieee_float.png" width="800"/> </p> --- # Double-Precision Floating Point <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/ieee_float2.png" width="800"/> </p> Under base-2 system, - the first bit `\(s\)` is a sign indicator; - it is followed by an 11-bit exponent (or characteristic) `\(c\)`; - it is ended with a 52-bit binary fraction (or mantissa) `\(f\)`. The represented number in the base-10 decimal system is `$$(-1)^s\cdot 2^{c-1023}\cdot (1+f).$$` --- # Double-Precision Floating Point The smallest normalized positive number that can be represented has `\(s=0\)`, `\(c=1\)`, and `\(f=0\)` and is equivalent to `$$2^{-1022} \cdot (1+0) \approx 2.2251 \times 10^{-308},$$` and the largest has `\(s=0\)`, `\(c=2046\)`, and `\(f=1-2^{-52}\)` and is equivalent to `$$2^{1023} \cdot (2- 2^{-52}) \approx 1.7977 \times 10^{308}.$$` ```r .Machine$double.xmin ``` ``` ## [1] 2.225074e-308 ``` ```r .Machine$double.xmax ``` ``` ## [1] 1.797693e+308 ``` --- # Underflow and Overflow - Numbers occurring in calculations that have a magnitude less than `\(2^{-1022} \cdot (1+0)\)` result in **underflow** and are generally set to 0. - Numbers greater than `\(2^{1023} \cdot (2-2^{-52})\)` result in **overflow** and typically cause the computations to stop. In R, it will be denoted by `Inf`. Note: Recall that `$$(-1)^s\cdot 2^{c-1023}\cdot (1+f).$$` There are two representations for the number 0. - A positive 0 when `\(s = 0\)`, `\(c = 0\)`, and `\(f = 0\)`; - A negative 0 when `\(s = 1\)`, `\(c = 0\)`, and `\(f = 0\)`. --- # Decimal Machine Numbers The use of binary digits may conceal the computational difficulties that occur when a finite collection of machine numbers is used to represent all the real numbers. -- - For simplicity, we use base-10 decimal numbers in our analysis: `$$\pm 0.d_1d_2\cdots d_k \times 10^n \quad \text{with}\quad 1\leq d_1 \leq 9 \; \text{ and } \; 0\leq d_i \leq 9 \;\text{ for }\; i=2,...,k.$$` This is called `\(k\)`-digit _decimal machine numbers_. - Any positive real number (within the numerical range of the machine) can be written as: `$$y=0.d_1d_2\cdots d_kd_{k+1} d_{k+2} \cdots \times 10^n.$$` --- # Decimal Machine Numbers - There are two ways to represent `\(y\)` with `\(k\)` digits: - _Chopping_: chop off after `\(k\)` digits: `$$fl(y)=0.d_1d_2\cdots d_k \times 10^n.$$` -- - _Rounding_: Add `\(5\times 10^{n-(k+1)}\)` and chop: `$$fl(y)=0.\delta_1\delta_2\cdots \delta_k \times 10^n.$$` Note: We make two remarks for rounding. - When `\(\delta_{k+1} \geq 5\)`, we add `\(1\)` to the digit `\(\delta_k\)` to obtain the final floating point number `\(fl(y)\)`, i.e., we _round up_. - When `\(\delta_{k+1} < 5\)`, we simply chop off all but the first `\(k\)` digits, i.e., we _round down_. --- # Absolute and Relative Errors Suppose that `\(\hat{p}\)` is an approximation (or rounding number) to `\(p^*\)`. - The **absolute error** is `\(|\hat{p} -p^*|\)`. - The **relative error** is `\(\frac{|\hat{p} -p^*|}{|p^*|}\)`, provided that `\(p^*\neq 0\)`. -- ```r p_star = pi p_hat = round(p_star, digits = 7) cat("The absolute error is ", abs(p_star - p_hat), ".", sep = "") ``` ``` ## The absolute error is 4.641021e-08. ``` ```r cat("The relative error is ", abs(p_star - p_hat)/abs(p_star), ".", sep = "") ``` ``` ## The relative error is 1.477283e-08. ``` --- # Significant Digits The number `\(\hat{p}\)` is said to approximate `\(p^*\)` to `\(t\)` **significant digits** (or figures) if `\(t\)` is the largest nonnegative integer for which `$$\frac{|\hat{p} -p^*|}{|p^*|} \leq 5\times 10^{-t}.$$` -- ```r sigDigit = function(x_app, x_true) { t = 0 while(abs(x_app - x_true)/abs(x_true) <= 5*10^(-t)) { t = t + 1 } return(t-1) } p_star = pi p_hat = round(p_star, digits = 7) sigDigit(p_hat, p_star) ``` ``` ## [1] 8 ``` --- # Floating Point Operations in Computers Assume that the floating-point representations `\(fl(x)\)` and `\(fl(y)\)` are given for real numbers `\(x\)` and `\(y\)`. Let `\(\oplus, \ominus, \otimes, \oslash\)` represent machine addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. -- - Then, the finite-digit arithmetics for floating points are `\begin{align*} x \oplus y &= fl\left(fl(x) + fl(y) \right), \quad x\otimes y = fl\left(fl(x) \times fl(y) \right),\\ x \ominus y &= fl\left(fl(x) - fl(y) \right), \quad x\oslash y = fl\left(fl(x) / fl(y) \right). \end{align*}` - "Round input, perform exact arithmetic, and round the result". -- ```r print(1/3 + 5/7) ``` ``` ## [1] 1.047619 ``` ```r # 3-digit arithmetic x = round(1/3, digits = 4) y = round(5/7, digits = 4) round(x + y, digits = 4) ``` ``` ## [1] 1.0476 ``` --- # Error Growth and Stability Those floating point rounding errors or other systematic errors can propagate as our computations/algorithms proceed. -- Suppose that `\(E_0 >0\)` denotes an initial error at some stage of the calculations and `\(E_n\)` represents the magnitude of the error after `\(n\)` subsequent operations. - If `\(E_n \approx C \cdot nE_0\)`, then the growth of error is said to be **linear**. - If `\(E_n \approx C^n E_0\)` for some `\(C>1\)`, then the growth of error is called **exponential**. Note: Here, `\(C>0\)` is a constant independent of `\(n\)`. --- # Error Growth and Stability - **Stable** algorithm: Small changes in the initial data only produce small changes in the final result. - **Unstable** or **Conditionally Stable** algorithm: Large errors in the final result for all or some initial data with small changes. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/error_growth.png" width="700"/> </p> --- class: inverse # Part 3: Algorithmic Rate of Convergence --- # Rate/Order of Convergence Suppose that `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty} \subset \mathbb{R}^d\)` converges to `\(x^*\in \mathbb{R}^d\)` and `\(\{\alpha_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty} \subset \mathbb{R}\)` is a sequence known to converge to 0. -- - If there exists a constant `\(C>0\)` independent of `\(n\)` with `$$\|x_n -x^* \|_2 \leq C |\alpha_n| \quad \text{ for large } n,$$` then we say that `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges to `\(x^*\)` with **rate, or order, of convergence** `\(O(\alpha_n)\)`. -- - We can write `$$\|x_n-x^*\|_2 = O(\alpha_n)$$` or `\(x_n=x^* + O(\alpha_n)\)` when `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` is a sequence of numbers. -- - In many cases, we can take `\(\alpha_n = \frac{1}{n^p}\)` for some number `\(p>0\)`, and generally, the _largest_ value of `\(p\)` with `\(\|x_n-x^*\|_2= O\left(\frac{1}{n^p} \right)\)` will be of interest. --- # Linear Convergence When `\(\|x_n-x^*\|_2= O\left(\frac{1}{n^p} \right)\)` for the largest possible value of `\(p\)`, `\(x_n\)` is also known to converge to `\(x^*\)` in a polynomial/sublinear rate of convergence. - The algorithm or sequence that polynomially/sublinearly converges to `\(x^*\)` is relatively _slow_, in the sense that `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2}=1.$$` -- The convergence `\(x_n\to x^*\)` is said to be **linear** if there exists a number `\(0< r< 1\)` such that `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2}= r.$$` - The **linear convergence** means that `$$\|x_n -x^*\|_2= r^n \|x_0 -x^*\|_2 = O(r^n).$$` --- # Q-Linear and R-Linear Convergences The linear convergence can be further categorized into two types: - Q-Linear Convergence: `\(\frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2}\leq r\)` for some `\(r\in (0,1)\)` when `\(n\)` is sufficiently large. This is the same as our previous definition. -- - R-Linear Convergence of `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty} \subset \mathbb{R}^d\)`: there exists a sequence `\(\{\epsilon_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` such that `$$\|x_n-x^*\|_2 \leq \epsilon_n \quad \text{ for all } n$$` and `\(\epsilon_n\)` converges Q-linearly to 0. - The "Q" stands for "quotient", while the "R" stands for "root". -- - Examples: - `\(\left\{\frac{1}{2^n} \right\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges Q-linearly to 0. - `\(\left\{1,1, \frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{16},\frac{1}{16},...,\frac{1}{4^{\left\lfloor \frac{k}{2} \right\rfloor}},... \right\}\)` converges R-linearly to 0. --- # Superlinear Convergence The convergence `\(x_n\to x^*\)` is said to be **superlinear** if `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2}= 0.$$` -- - **Quadratic Convergence**: We say that `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges quadratically to `\(x^*\)` if there exists a constant `\(M>0\)` such that `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2^2}= M.$$` - Example: `\(\left\{\left(\frac{1}{n} \right)^{2^n} \right\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges quadratically to 0, because `$$\frac{\|x_{n+1}-x^*\|_2}{\|x_n -x^*\|_2^2} = \frac{\left(\frac{1}{n+1} \right)^{2^{n+1}}}{\left(\frac{1}{n} \right)^{(2^n)\cdot 2}} = \left(\frac{n}{n+1} \right)^{2^{n+1}}\leq 1.$$` --- # Plots for Different Types of Convergence <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/conv_plot.png" width="650"/> </p> --- # Plots for Different Types of Convergence ```r library(latex2exp) k = 1:30 par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(k, log(1/k), type="l", lwd=5, col="green", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$||x_n - x^*||_2$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) lines(k, log((7/10)^k), col="red", lwd=5) lines(k, log((1/k)^(2^k)), col="blue", lwd=5) legend(20, -0.1, legend=c("Sublinear", "Linear", "Superlinear"), fill=c("green", "red", "blue"), cex=1.5) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Rate of Convergence for Functions Suppose that `\(\lim\limits_{h\to 0} g(h)=0\)` with `\(g(h)>0\)` for `\(h\in \mathbb{R}\)` and `\(\lim\limits_{h\to 0} f(h)=L\)`. If there exists a constant `\(C>0\)` such that `$$|f(h) -L| \leq C|g(h)| \quad \text{ for sufficiently small } |h|,$$` then we write `\(|f(h)-L|=O(g(h))\)` or `\(f(h)=L+O(g(h))\)`. -- - Generally, `\(g(h)\)` has the form `\(g(h)=|h|^p\)` for some `\(p>0\)`. - We are interested in the largest value of `\(p>0\)` for which `\(f(h) = L+ O(|h|^p)\)`. Note: Other definitions of big-O and little-o notations can be found in the [Wikipedia page]( --- class: inverse # Part 4: Solutions of Equations in One Variable --- # Root-Finding Problems One of the most basic problems of numerical analysis is the **root-finding** problem. - Given a function `\(f:\mathbb{R}^{d_1} \to \mathbb{R}^{d_2}\)`, we want to solve the equation `\(f(x)=0\)`. -- - A root of this equation `\(f(x)=0\)` is also called a **zero** of the function `\(f\)`. - In most cases, we will focus on the cases where `\(d_1=d_2=1\)`. -- - The root-finding methods that we will discuss include - Bisection method; - Fixed-point iteration; - Newton's method and its variants. --- # Bisection Method Suppose that `\(f\)` is a _continuous_ function defined on `\([a,b]\)` with `\(f(a)\)` and `\(f(b)\)` of opposite sign. -- - The Intermediate Value Theorem implies that there exists a number `\(x^*\in (a,b)\)` such that `\(f(x^*)=0\)`. - Note that the solution `\(x^*\)` to `\(f(x)=0\)` needs not be unique. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/bisection.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Bisection Method The **bisection method** uses the following procedure to approximate a solution to `\(f(x)=0\)`. 1. Initialize the endpoints `\(L=a, U=b\)`, and a tolerance level `\(\epsilon>0\)`. -- 2. Compute the midpoint of the current interval `\([L,U]\)` as `\(p_n=\frac{L+U}{2}\)` for the `\(n^{th}\)` iteration. -- - If `\(f(p_n)=0\)`, then `\(x^*=p_n\)`, and we are done. - If `\(f(p_n)\)` and `\(f(L)\)` have the same sign, then set `\(L=p_n\)` and `\(U=U\)`. - If `\(f(p_n)\)` and `\(f(U)\)` have the same sign, then set `\(U=p_n\)` and `\(L=L\)`. 3. Repeat Step 2 until `\(|U-L| < \epsilon\)`. Then, use `\(p_n=\frac{L+U}{2}\)` as the approximated solution. --- # Bisection Method (Example) Verify that the function `\(f(x)=x^3+7x^2-10=0\)` has at least one root in `\([1,2]\)`, and use the bisection method to find an approximated root that has an accuracy within `\(10^{-7}\)`. -- - `\(f\)` is continuous with `\(f(1)=-2\)` and `\(f(2)=26\)`. ```r f = function(x) { x^3 + 7*x^2 - 10 } biSect = function(L, U, fun, tol=1e-7) { while(abs(L-U) > tol) { p = (U + L)/2 if(fun(p) * fun(U) > 0) { U = p } else if (fun(p) * fun(U) < 0) { L = p } else { break } } return(p) } x_app = biSect(L = 1, U = 2, fun = f, tol = 1e-7) cat("The approximated solution is ", x_app, ".", sep = "") ``` ``` ## The approximated solution is 1.110399. ``` ```r f(x_app) ``` ``` ## [1] 4.891655e-08 ``` --- # Rate of Convergence for the Bisection Method Let `\([a,b]\)` be the initial interval for the bisection method and `\(p_n\)` be the midpoint of the interval in the `\(n^{th}\)` iteration. -- - Then, the difference between `\(p_n\)` and a solution `\(x^*\)` is upper bounded by `$$\|p_n -x^* \|_2 \leq \frac{b-a}{2^n}.$$` - Hence, the bisection method produce a sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}\)` that _converges (R-)linearly_ to the solution `\(x^*\)`. --- # Caveats About the Bisection Method - The _continuity_ of the function `\(f\)` within the interval of interest is critical for finding the root of `\(f(x)=0\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/1_x.png" width="500"/> </p> --- # Caveats About the Bisection Method - The choice of the initial interval can affect the convergence speed and the output approximated solution as well. ```r x = seq(-8, 3, by = 0.1) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(x, f(x), lwd = 5, type = "l") abline(h = 0, col="red", lty=2, lwd = 5) legend(-3, -50, legend=c(TeX("$f(x)=x^3+7x^2-10$")), fill=c("black"), cex=1.5) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Caveats About the Bisection Method <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-22-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ```r x_app = biSect(L = 1, U = 2, fun = f, tol = 1e-7) cat("The approximated solution is ", x_app, ".", sep = "") ``` ``` ## The approximated solution is 1.110399. ``` ```r x_app = biSect(L = -8, U = 3, fun = f, tol = 1e-7) cat("The approximated solution is ", x_app, ".", sep = "") ``` ``` ## The approximated solution is -6.782628. ``` --- # More General Binary-Search Method Suppose that we want to search for an item in a (discrete) ordered list or a solution to a problem within an interval. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Binary_Search.png" width="480"/> </p> -- - The two endpoints of the ordered list or the interval characterize two different states with respect to the target. (Recall that `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` has two different signs at `\(a\)` and `\(b\)`.) -- - We can also determine the state of the midpoint and update the search interval accordingly. -- - Keep dividing the ordered list or interval into a half until the target item is found or reaching the tolerance level. --- # Searching for `\(R_c\)` in the Final Project We will write a function `findRc()` in the [final project]( to search for `\(R_c\)`, which is the smallest possible radius such that a given ad hoc network is connected. 1. Denote the endpoints of the interval returned from `findRange()` (i.e., a helper function in the [final project]( by `\(\bar{R}_{\min}\)` and `\(\bar{R}_{\max}\)`, respectively. 2. Compute the middle point as `\(\bar{R}_0=\frac{\bar{R}_{\min}+\bar{R}_{\max}}{2}\)`. 3. If `\(\bar{R}_0\)` gives a connected network, then we assign `\(\bar{R}_{\max}\gets \bar{R}_0\)`. Otherwise, we assign `\(\bar{R}_{\min}\gets \bar{R}_0\)`. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until `\(|\bar{R}_{\min} - \bar{R}_{\max}|\)` is less than the tolerance level `tol`. --- # Fixed Points and Root-Finding The point `\(p\in \mathbb{R}^d\)` is a **fixed point** for a given function `\(g\)` if `\(g(p) =p\)`. -- - Given a root-finding problem `\(f(p)=0\)`, we can define the function `\(g\)` with a fixed point at `\(p\)` in various ways: `$$g(x) = x-f(x), \quad g(x)=x+3f(x), \quad \text{etc.}$$` Both of them satisfy `\(g(p)=p\)`. - Conversely, if the function `\(g\)` has a fixed point at `\(p\)`, then the function defined by `$$f(x)=x-g(x)$$` has a zero at `\(p\)`. --- # Fixed Points and Root-Finding Example: Determine any fixed points of the function `\(g(x)=x^2-2\)`. -- <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/fixed_point.png" width="700"/> </p> - The function `\(g(x)=x^2-2\)` has two fixed points `\(x=-1\)` and `\(x=2\)`. --- # Existence and Uniqueness of Fixed Points **Theorem.** 1. (_Existence_) If `\(g\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` and `\(g(x) \in [a,b]\)` for all `\(x\in [a,b]\)`, then `\(g\)` has at least one fixed point in `\([a,b]\)`. 2. (_Uniqueness_) If, in addition, `\(g'(x)\)` exists on `\((a,b)\)` and there exists a positive constant `\(k<1\)` such that `$$|g'(x)| \leq k \quad \text{ for all } x\in (a,b),$$` then there exists exactly one fixed point in `\([a,b]\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/fixed_point_uni.png" width="500"/> </p> More general results for the uniqueness of the fixed point can be found as [Banach fixed-point theorem]( and [this paper]( --- # Fixed-Point Iteration The **fixed-point iteration** solves for the fixed point `\(p\)` (with `\(p=g(p)\)`) via the following procedure: 1. Choose an initial approximation `\(p_0\)`; 2. Generate the sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` by letting `$$p_n=g(p_{n-1}) \quad \text{ for each } n\geq 1.$$` If the sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges to `\(p\)` and `\(g\)` is continuous, then `$$p=\lim_{n\to\infty} p_n = \lim_{n\to\infty} g(p_{n-1})= g\left(\lim_{n\to\infty} p_{n-1} \right) = g(p).$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/fixed_point_iter.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Convergence of Fixed-Point Iteration **Theorem.** Let `\(g\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` be such that `\(g(x)\in [a,b]\)` for all `\(x\in [a,b]\)`. Suppose, in addition, that `\(g'\)` exists on `\((a,b)\)` and that a constant `\(0<k<1\)` exists with `$$|g'(x)| \leq k \quad \text{ for all } x\in (a,b).$$` Then, for any number `\(p_0\in [a,b]\)`, the sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` defined by `$$p_n=g(p_{n-1}), \quad n\geq 1,$$` converges to the unique fixed point `\(p\in [a,b]\)`. -- **Corollary.** If `\(g\)` satisfies the hypotheses above, then bounds for the error at the `\(n^{th}\)` step of the fixed-point iteration are given by `\begin{align*} &|p_n -p| \leq k^n \max\left\{p_0-a, b-p_0\right\},\\ &|p_n -p| \leq \frac{k^n}{1-k} \cdot |p_1-p_0| \quad \text{ for all } n\geq 1. \end{align*}` --- # Rate of Convergence for Fixed-Point Iterations The previous corollary tells us that the fixed-point iteration `$$p_n=g(p_{n-1}) \quad \text{ for } \quad n\geq 1$$` converges (at least) _linearly_ to the fixed-point solution `\(p=g(p)\)`. - Question: Can the fixed-point iteration converges at a faster rate? -- Let `\(g\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)` be such that `\(g(x)\in [a,b]\)` for all `\(x\in [a,b]\)`, `\(g'\)` is _continuous_ on `\((a,b)\)` with `\(|g'(x)| \leq k <1\)` for all `\(x\in (a,b)\)`. - If `\(g'(p)\neq 0\)`, then for any `\(p_0 \neq p\)` in `\([a,b]\)`, the fixed-point iteration converges **only linearly** to the unique fixed point `\(p\)`. - Suppose, in addition, that `\(g'(p)=0\)` and `\(g''\)` is continuous with `\(|g''(x)| < M\)` on an open interval containing `\(p\)`. Then, there exists a `\(\delta >0\)` such that for `\(p_0 \in [p-\delta, p+\delta]\)`, the fixed-point iteration converges **at least quadratically** to `\(p\)` and `$$|p_{n+1}-p| < \frac{M}{2} |p_n-p|^2 \quad \text{ for sufficiently large } n.$$` --- # Fixed-Point Iteration (Example) Suppose that we want to find the solution to `\(f(x) = x-2^{-x}\)`. - Show that `\(g(x)=2^{-x}\)` has a unique fixed point on `\([\frac{1}{3},1]\)`. - `\(\max_{x\in [\frac{1}{3},1]} |g'(x)| = \frac{1}{2^{1/3}} < 1\)`. ```r g = function(x) { return(2^{-x}) } fixedPoint = function(fun, p_0, tol = 1e-7) { p_next = fun(p_0) iter_seq = c(p_0, p_next) while(abs(p_next - p_0) > tol) { p_0 = p_next p_next = fun(p_0) iter_seq = c(iter_seq, p_next) } res = list(fixed_pt = p_next, iter_seq = iter_seq) return(res) } fix_pts_res = fixedPoint(fun = g, p_0 = 1, tol = 1e-10) fix_pts_res$fixed_pt ``` ``` ## [1] 0.6411857 ``` --- # Fixed-Point Iteration (Example) ```r err_seq = abs(fix_pts_res$iter_seq - fix_pts_res$fixed_pt) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||p_n - p||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-25-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Fixed-Point Iteration (Example: Dominating Eigenvalue) A more interesting example for the fixed-point iteration is to find the largest eigenvalue in its absolute value of a (symmetric) matrix `\(A\in \mathbb{R}^{d\times d}\)` via the **power iteration**. - `\(\lambda\in \mathbb{R}\)` is an eigenvalue of `\(A\)` if there exists a nonzero (eigen)vector `\(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^d\)` such that `$$A\mathbf{x} = \lambda \mathbf{x}.$$` - Assume that `\(A\)` has `\(d\)` eigenvalues `\(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_d\)` (counting algebraic multiplicity) with `$$|\lambda_1| > |\lambda_2| \geq \cdots \geq |\lambda_d| \geq 0.$$` -- - Given an initial vector `\(\mathbf{b}_0 \in \mathbb{R}^d\)`, the **power iteration** runs `$$\mathbf{b}_n = \frac{A\mathbf{b}_{n-1}}{\|A\mathbf{b}_{n-1}\|_2} \quad \text{ for } n=0,1,...$$` until `\(\|\mathbf{b}_{n-1} -\mathbf{b}_n\|_2 < \epsilon\)`. --- # Applications of Power Iteration - Google uses the power iteration to calculate the _PageRank_ of documents in their search engine. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/pagerank.jpg" width="600"/> </p> The mechanism behind _PageRank_ algorithm is well-explained in this [tutorial]( - Twitter uses the power iteration to show users recommendations of whom to follow; see this [paper]( --- # Convergence of Power Iteration Given an initial vector `\(\mathbf{b}_0 \in \mathbb{R}^d\)`, the **power iteration** runs `$$\mathbf{b}_n = \frac{A\mathbf{b}_{n-1}}{\|A\mathbf{b}_{n-1}\|_2} \quad \text{ for } n=0,1,...$$` until `\(\|\mathbf{b}_{n-1} -\mathbf{b}_n\|_2 < \epsilon\)`. - The yielded sequence `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` from the power iteration for approximating `\(\lambda_1\)` is determined by the Rayleigh quotient: `$$x_n = \frac{\mathbf{b}_n^* A \mathbf{b}_n}{\mathbf{b}_n^*\mathbf{b}_n},\quad n=0,1,...$$` and when `\(\mathbf{b}_n\)` is of real values, `\(x_n = \frac{\mathbf{b}_n^T A \mathbf{b}_n}{\|\mathbf{b}_n\|_2^2}\)`. -- - It can be shown that the [power iteration]( sequence `\(\{x_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges to `\(\lambda_1\)` in the rate `\(|x_n-\lambda_1| = O\left(\left|\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1} \right|^n \right)\)`. In other words, the power iteration converges linearly. --- # Power Iteration (Example) We use the power iteration to approximate the dominant eigenvalue of the matrix `$$A = \begin{bmatrix} -4 & 14 & 0\\ -5 & 13 & 0\\ -1 & 0 & 2 \end{bmatrix}.$$` ```r A = matrix(c(-4, 14, 0, -5, 13, 0, -1, 0, 2), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) eigen(A) ``` ``` ## eigen() decomposition ## $values ## [1] 6 3 2 ## ## $vectors ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 0.7974005 0.6666667 0 ## [2,] 0.5695718 0.3333333 0 ## [3,] -0.1993501 -0.6666667 1 ``` --- # Power Iteration (Example) ```r powerIter = function(mat, b_0 = NULL, tol = 1e-7) { if(is.null(b_0)) { b_0 = numeric(length = nrow(mat)) b_0[1:length(b_0)] = 1 } curr_eig = (t(Conj(b_0)) %*% mat %*% b_0)/(t(Conj(b_0)) %*% b_0) eig_seq = c(curr_eig) b_new = (mat %*% b_0) / sqrt(sum(mat %*% b_0)) while(sqrt(sum((b_new - b_0)^2)) > tol) { b_0 = b_new curr_eig = (t(Conj(b_0)) %*% mat %*% b_0)/(t(Conj(b_0)) %*% b_0) eig_seq = c(eig_seq, curr_eig) b_new = (mat %*% b_0) / sqrt(sum(mat %*% b_0)) } res_lst = list(eig_vec = b_0, eig_val = curr_eig, eig_val_seq = eig_seq) return(res_lst) } pow_iter_res = powerIter(A, b_0 = c(1,2,4), tol = 1e-8) pow_iter_res ``` ``` ## $eig_vec ## [,1] ## [1,] 4.097561 ## [2,] 2.926829 ## [3,] -1.024390 ## ## $eig_val ## [,1] ## [1,] 6 ## ## $eig_val_seq ## [1] 4.476190 7.406191 6.734282 6.349739 6.169594 6.083440 6.041382 6.020607 ## [9] 6.010283 6.005137 6.002567 6.001283 6.000642 6.000321 6.000160 6.000080 ## [17] 6.000040 6.000020 6.000010 6.000005 6.000003 6.000001 6.000001 6.000000 ## [25] 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 ``` --- # Power Iteration (Example) ```r err_seq = abs(pow_iter_res$eig_val_seq - 6) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||x_n - \\lambda_1||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-28-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Newton's Method **Newton's** (or _Newton-Raphson_) method is one of the most well-known numerical methods for solving a root-find problem `\(f(p)=0\)`. -- - Suppose that `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^2[a,b]\)`. Let `\(p_0\)` be an approximation to `\(p\)` such that `\(f'(p_0)\neq 0\)` and `$$f(p) = f(p_0) + (p-p_0) f'(p_0) + \frac{(p-p_0)^2}{2} \cdot f''(\xi(p)),$$` where `\(\xi(p)\)` lies between `\(p\)` and `\(p_0\)`. -- - Set `\(f(p)=0\)` and assume that `\((p-p_0)^2\)` is negligible: `$$0\approx f(p_0) + (p-p_0) f'(p_0).$$` -- - Solving for `\(p\)` yields that `$$p\approx p_0 - \frac{f(p_0)}{f'(p_0)}.$$` --- # Newton's Method The previous derivation leads to the iterative formula of Newton's method for solving `\(f(p)=0\)`: `$$p_n = p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})} \quad \text{ for } \quad n\geq 1.$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Newton_met.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Convergence of Newton's Method Newton's method can be regarded as a fixed-point iteration `\(p_n=g(p_{n-1})\)` for `\(n\geq 1\)` with `$$g(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}.$$` - The convergence of Newton's method follows from the analysis of a fixed-point iteration with `\(g(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}\)`. -- **Theorem.** Let `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^2[a,b]\)`. If `\(p\in (a,b)\)` satisfies `\(f(p)=0\)` and `\(f'(p)\neq 0\)`, then there exists a `\(\delta>0\)` such that Newton's method generates a sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}\)` converging to `\(p\)` for any initial approximation `\(p_0 \in [p-\delta, p+\delta]\)`. --- # Rate of Convergence for Newton's Method Recall that for any `\(g\in \mathcal{C}^2[a,b]\)` with (i) `\(|g'(x)| < 1, x\in (a,b)\)`, (ii) `\(g'(p)=0\)`, and (iii) `\(|g''(x)|\)` being bounded, the fixed-point iteration `$$p_n=g(p_{n-1})$$` converges at least quadratically to `\(p\)` for `\(p_0\)` within some closed interval containing `\(p\)`. -- The easiest way to construct a fixed-point iteration for solving `\(f(x)=0\)` is to add/subtract a multiple of `\(f(x)\)` from `\(x\)` as: `$$g(x) = x-\phi(x) \cdot f(x).$$` - Find a differentiable function `\(\phi\)` such that `\(g'(p)=0\)` when `\(f(p)=0\)`: `\begin{align*} g'(x) &= 1-\phi'(x) f(x) - f'(x) \phi(x),\\ g'(p) &= 1- \phi'(p) \cdot 0 - f'(p)\phi(p), \end{align*}` so `\(g'(p)=0\)` if and only if `\(\phi(p)=\frac{1}{f'(p)}\)`. --- # Rate of Convergence for Newton's Method - Taking `\(\phi(p)=\frac{1}{f'(p)}\)` exactly leads to Newton's method `$$p_n = g(p_{n-1}) = p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})},$$` - Therefore, if `\(f\)` is continuously differentiable, `\(f'(p)\neq 0\)`, and `\(f''\)` exists at `\(p\)`, then Newton's method converges at least **quadratically** to `\(p\)` for `\(p_0\)` within some closed interval containing `\(p\)`. -- Examples of Newton's method that fails to converge quadratically: - Consider `\(f(x)=x+x^{\frac{4}{3}}\)` so that `\(f''(x) = \frac{4}{9} x^{-\frac{2}{3}}\)` does not exist at the root `\(p=0\)`. We will revisit it in Lab 7. - Consider `\(f(x)=x^2\)` with `\(f'(0)=0\)`. Newton's method iterates `\(p_n=\frac{p_{n-1}}{2}\)` so that `\(|p_n-p|=\frac{|p_0|}{2^n}\)`, which converges linearly to `\(p=0\)`. --- # Multiplicity of Zeros in Newton's Method A solution `\(p\)` of `\(f(x)=0\)` is a zero of **multiplicity** m of `\(f\)` if for `\(x\neq p\)`, we can write `$$f(x) = (x-p)^m q(x) \quad \text{ with } \quad \lim_{x\to p} q(x) \neq 0.$$` -- 1. The function `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^1[a,b]\)` has a simple zero at `\(p\in (a,b)\)` if and only if `\(f(p)=0\)` but `\(f'(p)\neq 0\)`. 2. The function `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^m[a,b]\)` has a zero of multiplicity `\(m\)` at `\(p\in (a,b)\)` if and only if `$$0=f(p)=f'(p)=\cdots = f^{(m-1)}(p) \quad \text{ but } \quad f^{(m)}(p)\neq 0.$$` Hence, in the previous example, `\(f(x)=x^2\)` has a zero of multiplicity `\(2\)` at `\(x=0\)`. --- # Multiplicity of Zeros in Newton's Method If `\(f(x)=(x-p)^m q(x)\)` with `\(\lim_{x\to p} q(x) \neq 0\)`, then Newton's method can only converge linearly to the solution `\(p\)` within its small neighborhood, because `\begin{align*} p_n - p &= p_{n-1} -p - \frac{(p_{n-1} - p) q(p_{n-1})}{m\cdot q(p_{n-1}) + (p_{n-1}-p) q'(p_{n-1})}, \end{align*}` which in turn implies that `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{|p_n - p|}{|p_{n-1} - p|} = \lim_{n\to\infty} \left|\frac{(m-1) q(p_{n-1}) + (p_{n-1} - p) q'(p_{n-1})}{m\cdot q(p_{n-1}) + (p_{n-1} -p) q'(p_{n-1})} \right| = \frac{m-1}{m}.$$` <!-- - In other words, `\(|p_n-p| = O\left(\left(\frac{m-1}{m}\right)^n \right)\)`. --> -- - If we know the multiplicity `\(m\)` in advance, then we can use the modified Newton's method `$$p_n = p_{n-1} - m\cdot \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})}$$` to achieve quadratic convergence. --- # Newton's Method (Example 1) Use Newton's method to find a solution to `$$f(x)=e^x +2^{-x} + 2\cos x - 6=0.$$` ```r f = function(x) { return(exp(x) + 2^(-x) + 2*cos(x) - 6) } f_deriv = function(x) { return(exp(x) - log(2) * (2^(-x)) - 2*sin(x)) } NewtonIter = function(fun, fun_deriv, p_0, tol = 1e-7) { p_new = p_0 - fun(p_0) / fun_deriv(p_0) pt_seq = c(p_0, p_new) while(abs(p_new - p_0) > tol) { p_0 = p_new p_new = p_0 - fun(p_0) / fun_deriv(p_0) pt_seq = c(pt_seq, p_new) } res = list(sol = p_new, pt_seq = pt_seq) return(res) } ``` --- # Newton's Method (Example 1) ```r newton_res = NewtonIter(f, f_deriv, p_0 = 1, tol = 1e-14) newton_res$sol ``` ``` ## [1] 1.829384 ``` ```r err_seq = abs(newton_res$pt_seq - newton_res$sol) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||p_n - p^*||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-31-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Newton's Method (Example 2) Use Newton's method and modified version to find a solution to `$$f(x)=e^x -\frac{x^2}{2} -x -1=0.$$` - Notice that `\(f\)` has a zero of multiplicity 2 at `\(p=0\)`. ```r f2 = function(x) { return(exp(x) - x^2/2 - x - 1) } f_deriv2 = function(x) { return(exp(x) - x - 1) } f2_m = function(x) { return(2*(exp(x) - x^2/2 - x - 1)) } newton_res2 = NewtonIter(f2, f_deriv2, p_0 = 1/2, tol = 1e-10) newton_res2$sol ``` ``` ## [1] -5.049455e-06 ``` ```r newton_mod2 = NewtonIter(f2_m, f_deriv2, p_0 = 1/2, tol = 1e-10) newton_mod2$sol ``` ``` ## [1] -3.497051e-06 ``` --- # Newton's Method (Example 2) Use Newton's method and modified version to find a solution to `$$f(x)=e^x -\frac{x^2}{2} -x -1=0.$$` ```r err_seq = abs(newton_res2$pt_seq - newton_res2$sol) err_seq_mod = abs(newton_mod2$pt_seq - newton_mod2$sol) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||p_n - p^*||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) lines(0:(length(err_seq_mod) - 1), log(err_seq_mod), lwd=5, col="red") legend(13, -1, legend=c("Newton's method", "Modified Newton's method"), fill=c("blue", "red"), cex=1.5) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-33-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Caveats About Newton's Method - The derivative of the function `\(f\)` should exist and is easy to compute. In addition, `\(f'(p_n)\neq 0\)` along the sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)`. (That is, no stationary points exist along the sequence.) - Consider `\(f(x)=1-x^2=0\)`. If we start Newton's method at `\(p_0=0\)`, then `\(p_1\)` will be undefined. -- To circumvent the derivative calculation in Newton's method, we first note that `$$f'(p_{n-1}) \approx \frac{f(p_{n-2}) - f(p_{n-1})}{p_{n-2} - p_{n-1}} = \frac{f(p_{n-1}) - f(p_{n-2})}{p_{n-1} - p_{n-2}}.$$` Using this approximation for `\(f'(p_{n-1})\)` in Newton's method leads to `$$p_n = p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1}) (p_{n-1} - p_{n-2})}{f(p_{n-1}) - f(p_{n-2})}.$$` This technique is called the **Secant Method**. --- # Secant Method The **secant method** iterates the following formula: `$$p_n = p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1}) (p_{n-1} - p_{n-2})}{f(p_{n-1}) - f(p_{n-2})}.$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/secant_method.png" width="600"/> </p> Note: We can also incorporate the root bracketing idea in the bisection method into the secant method as the **method of False Position** (also called _Regula Falsi_). --- # Method of False Position 1. Choose initial approximations as `\(p_0\)` and `\(p_1\)` with `\(f(p_0)\cdot f(p_1) < 0\)`; 2. Compute `\(p_2\)` using the secant method; 3. If `\(f(p_2)\cdot f(p_1) < 0\)`, take `\(p_3\)` as the `\(x\)`-intercept of the line joining `\(\left(p_1, f(p_1)\right)\)` and `\(\left(p_2,f(p_2)\right)\)`. Otherwise, choose `\(p_3\)` as the `\(x\)`-intercept of the line joining `\(\left(p_0, f(p_0)\right)\)` and `\(\left(p_2,f(p_2)\right)\)`, and then swap the values of `\(p_0\)` and `\(p_1\)`. In a similar manner, once `\(p_3\)` is found, the sign of `\(f(p_3) \cdot f(p_2)\)` determines whether we use `\(p_2\)` and `\(p_3\)` or `\(p_3\)` and `\(p_1\)` to compute `\(p_4\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/secant_method_false.png" width="630"/> </p> --- # Caveats About Newton's Method - Newton's method may overshoot the root `\(f(p)=0\)` (i.e., diverge from the root `\(p\)`). - Consider `\(f(x)=|x|^a\)` with `\(0<a<\frac{1}{2}\)`. Newton's method iterates `\begin{align*} p_n &= \begin{cases} p_{n-1} - \frac{p_{n-1}^a}{a\cdot p_{n-1}^{a-1}} & \text{ when } p_{n-1} >0,\\ p_{n-1} - \frac{(-p_{n-1})^a}{a (-1)^a\cdot p_{n-1}^{a-1}} & \text{ when } p_{n-1} < 0, \end{cases} \\ &= \left(1 - \frac{1}{a}\right) p_{n-1}. \end{align*}` Since `\(\left|1-\frac{1}{a}\right| > 1\)`, we know that `$$p_n=\left(1 - \frac{1}{a}\right)^n p_0 \to \infty \text{ or } -\infty$$` so that Newton's method will diverge. --- # Caveats About Newton's Method - The bad starting point of Newton's method may also lead to a diverging or _cyclic_ sequence. - Consider `\(f(x)=x^3-2x+2\)` and take `\(p_0=0\)`. - Then, `\(p_n=p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})} = \frac{2p_{n-1}^3 -2}{3p_{n-1}^2 -2}\)` so that `\(p_0=0\)`, `\(p_1=1\)`, `\(p_2=0\)`, `\(p_3=1\)`, `\(p_4=0\)`,... ```r NewtonIter = function(fun, fun_deriv, p_0, tol = 1e-7, N = 100) { p_new = p_0 - fun(p_0) / fun_deriv(p_0) pt_seq = c(p_0, p_new) n = 1 while((abs(p_new - p_0) > tol) & (n < N)) { p_0 = p_new p_new = p_0 - fun(p_0) / fun_deriv(p_0) pt_seq = c(pt_seq, p_new) n = n + 1 } res = list(sol = p_new, pt_seq = pt_seq) return(res) } ``` --- # Caveats About Newton's Method - The bad starting point of Newton's method may also lead to a diverging or cyclic sequence. - Consider `\(f(x)=x^3-2x+2\)` and take `\(p_0=0\)`. - Then, `\(p_n=p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})} = \frac{2p_{n-1}^3 -2}{3p_{n-1}^2 -2}\)` so that `\(p_0=0\)`, `\(p_1=1\)`, `\(p_2=0\)`, `\(p_3=1\)`, `\(p_4=0\)`,... ```r f = function(x) { return(x^3 - 2*x + 2) } f_deriv = function(x) { return(3*x^2 - 2) } NewtonIter(fun = f, fun_deriv = f_deriv, p_0 = 0, tol = 1e-7, N = 50) ``` ``` ## $sol ## [1] 0 ## ## $pt_seq ## [1] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ## [39] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ``` --- # Accelerate Linearly Convergent Sequence For any sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` that converges linearly to `\(p\)`, we can construct another sequence `\(\{\hat{p}_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` that converges more rapidly to `\(p\)` than `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)`, i.e., _accelerate a linearly convergent sequence_. - Assume that `$$\frac{p_{n+1}-p}{p_n-p} \approx \frac{p_{n+2} - p}{p_{n+1} -p}.$$` -- - Solving for `\(p\)` leads to `$$p\approx \frac{p_{n+2} p_n - p_{n+1}^2}{p_{n+2} - 2p_{n+1} + p_n}.$$` - Adding and subtracting `\(p_n^2\)` and `\(2p_n p_{n-1}\)` in the numerator yields `\begin{align*} p & \approx \frac{p_{n+2} p_n -2p_n p_{n+1}+p_n^2- p_{n+1}^2 + 2p_n p_{n+1} -p_n^2}{p_{n+2} - 2p_{n+1} + p_n}\\ &= p_n - \frac{(p_{n+1} - p_n)^2}{p_{n+2} -2p_{n+1} + p_n}. \end{align*}` --- # Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method The previous formula can be used to define a new sequence `\(\{\hat{p}_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` `$$\hat{p}_n = p_n - \frac{(p_{n+1} - p_n)^2}{p_{n+2} -2p_{n+1} + p_n}$$` that converges much faster to `\(p\)` than the original sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)`. This is known as **Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method**. -- **Theorem.** Suppose that `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` is a sequence that converges linearly to the limit `\(p\)` and that `$$\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} \frac{p_{n+1}-p}{p_n-p} < 1.$$` Then, the Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` sequence `\(\{\hat{p}_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` converges to `\(p\)` faster than `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)` in the sense that `$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\hat{p}_n - p}{p_n-p}=0.$$` --- # Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method with Delta Notation For a given sequence `\(\{p_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\)`, the **forward difference** `\(\Delta p_n\)` is defined by `$$\Delta p_n = p_{n+1}-p_n \quad \text{ for } n\geq 0.$$` Higher powers of the operator `\(\Delta\)` are defined recursively by `$$\Delta^k p_n = \Delta\left(\Delta^{k-1} p_n \right) \quad \text{ for } k\geq 2.$$` - For example, `$$\Delta^2 p_n = \Delta (p_{n+1}-p_n) = \Delta p_{n+1} - \Delta p_n = (p_{n+2}-p_{n+1}) - (p_{n+1}-p_n).$$` -- Thus, the Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` iteration can be written as: `$$\hat{p}_n = p_n - \frac{\left(\Delta p_n \right)^2}{\Delta^2 p_n} \quad \text{ for } n\geq 0.$$` --- # Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method (Example) Previously, we use Newton's method to find the solution `\(p=0\)` to `$$f(x)=e^x -\frac{x^2}{2} -x -1=0.$$` Now, we consider accelerating it via Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` method. ```r AitkenAcc = function(in_seq) { n = length(in_seq) seq_new = in_seq[1:(n-2)] - (in_seq[2:(n-1)] - in_seq[1:(n-2)])^2/(in_seq[3:n] - 2*in_seq[2:(n-1)] + in_seq[1:(n-2)]) # seq_new = numeric(length = n-2) # for (i in 1:(n-2)) { # seq_new[i] = in_seq[i] - (in_seq[i+1] - in_seq[i])^2/(in_seq[i+2] - 2*in_seq[i+1] + in_seq[i]) # } return(seq_new) } acc_seq = AitkenAcc(newton_res2$pt_seq) ``` --- # Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` Method (Example) ```r err_seq = abs(newton_res2$pt_seq - newton_res2$sol) acc_err = abs(acc_seq - newton_res2$sol) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||p_n - p^*||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7, ylim = c(-15, -1)) lines(0:(length(acc_err) - 1), log(acc_err), lwd=5, col="red") legend(22, -2, legend=c("Original", TeX("Aitken's $\\Delta^2$")), fill=c("blue", "red"), cex=1.5) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-37-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Steffensen's Method Recall that the fixed-point iteration `\(p_n = g(p_{n-1})\)` can only converge linearly when `\(g'(p)\neq 0\)` at the fixed point `\(p=g(p)\)`. - We can apply the Aitken's `\(\Delta^2\)` method to a linearly convergent fixed-point iteration as: `\begin{align*} & p_0, \quad p_1=g(p_0), \quad p_2=g(p_1), \quad \hat{p}_0 = p_0 - \frac{(p_1-p_0)^2}{p_2-2p_1+p_0},\\ & p_3 = g(p_2), \quad \hat{p}_1 = p_1 - \frac{(p_2-p_1)^2}{p_3-2p_2 + p_1}, ... \end{align*}` -- - **Steffensen's Method** modifies the above sequence by assuming that `\(\hat{p}_0\)` is better than `\(p_2\)` in applying the fixed-point iteration: `\begin{align*} & p_0^{(0)}, \quad p_1^{(0)}=g(p_0^{(0)}), \quad p_2^{(0)}=g(p_1^{(0)}), \quad p_0^{(1)} = p_0^{(0)} - \frac{(p_1^{(0)}-p_0^{(0)})^2}{p_2^{(0)}-2p_1^{(0)}+p_0^{(0)}},\\ & p_1^{(1)} = g(p_0^{(1)}), \quad p_2^{(1)} = g(p_1^{(1)}), \quad p_0^{(2)} = p_0^{(1)} - \frac{(p_1^{(1)}-p_0^{(1)})^2}{p_2^{(1)}-2p_1^{(1)}+p_0^{(1)}}, ... \end{align*}` The output sequence from Steffensen's method is `\(\left\{p_0^{(0)}, p_1^{(0)}, p_2^{(0)}, p_0^{(1)}, p_1^{(1)}, p_2^{(1)},... \right\}\)`. --- # Steffensen's Method (Example) Steffensen's method generates the sequence `\(\left\{p_0^{(0)}, p_1^{(0)}, p_2^{(0)}, p_0^{(1)}, p_1^{(1)}, p_2^{(1)},... \right\}\)` as: `\begin{align*} & p_0^{(0)}, \quad p_1^{(0)}=g(p_0^{(0)}), \quad p_2^{(0)}=g(p_1^{(0)}), \quad p_0^{(1)} = p_0^{(0)} - \frac{(p_1^{(0)}-p_0^{(0)})^2}{p_2^{(0)}-2p_1^{(0)}+p_0^{(0)}},\\ & p_1^{(1)} = g(p_0^{(1)}), \quad p_2^{(1)} = g(p_1^{(1)}), \quad p_0^{(2)} = p_0^{(1)} - \frac{(p_1^{(1)}-p_0^{(1)})^2}{p_2^{(1)}-2p_1^{(1)}+p_0^{(1)}}, ... \end{align*}` **Theorem.** Suppose that `\(x=g(x)\)` has the solution `\(p\)` with `\(g'(p)\neq 1\)`. If there exists a `\(\delta >0\)` such that `\(g\in \mathcal{C}^3[p-\delta, p+\delta]\)`, then Steffensen's method gives _quadratic convergence_ for any `\(p_0\in [p-\delta, p+\delta]\)`. --- # Steffensen's Method (Example) Recall our fixed-point iteration example with `\(g(x)=2^{-x}\)` that has a unique fixed point in `\(\left[\frac{1}{3}, 1\right]\)`. ```r g = function(x) { return(2^(-x)) } SteffenMet = function(g_fun, p_0, tol = 1e-7) { p_1 = g_fun(p_0) p_2 = g_fun(p_1) iter_seq = c(p_0, p_1, p_2) p_next = p_0 - (p_1 - p_0)^2/(p_2 - 2*p_1 + p_0) while(abs(p_next - p_0) > tol) { p_0 = p_next p_1 = g_fun(p_0) p_2 = g_fun(p_1) iter_seq = c(iter_seq, p_0, p_1, p_2) if (abs(p_2 - 2*p_1 + p_0) == 0) break p_next = p_0 - (p_1 - p_0)^2/(p_2 - 2*p_1 + p_0) } res = list(fixed_pt = p_next, iter_seq = iter_seq) return(res) } steff_res = SteffenMet(g_fun = g, p_0 = 1, tol = 1e-30) steff_res$fixed_pt ``` ``` ## [1] 0.6411857 ``` --- # Steffensen's Method (Example) ```r err_seq = abs(fix_pts_res$iter_seq - fix_pts_res$fixed_pt) acc_err = abs(steff_res$iter_seq - fix_pts_res$fixed_pt) par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 0.8)) plot(0:(length(err_seq) - 1), log(err_seq), type="l", lwd=5, col="blue", xlab = "Number of iterations", ylab = TeX("$\\log (||p_n - p^*||_2)$"), cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=0.7) lines(0:(length(acc_err) - 1), log(acc_err), lwd=5, col="red") legend(16, -2, legend=c("Original", "Steffensen's method"), fill=c("blue", "red"), cex=1.5) ``` <img src="Lecture8_Numerical_Analysis_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-39-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Zeros of Polynomials A _polynomial of degree_ `\(n\)` has the form `$$P(x)=a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1 x+a_0$$` with coefficients `\(a_i\)` and `\(a_n\neq 0\)`. **Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.** If `\(P(x)\)` is a polynomial of degree `\(n\geq 1\)` with real or complex coefficients, then `\(P(x)=0\)` has at least one (possibly complex) root. -- - To utilize Newton's method, we can evaluate the polynomial and its derivative via [Horner's method]( - When complex zeros of a polynomial are encountered, [Muller's method]( is an ideal approach for solving these complex zeros. Note: More details can be found in Section 2.6 of _Numerical Analysis (9th Edition)_ by Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Annette M. Burden, 2015. --- class: inverse # Part 5: Numerical Differentiation and Integration --- # Numerical Differentiation Recall that the derivative of a function `\(f\)` at `\(x_0\)` is defined as: `$$f'(x_0) = \lim_{h\to 0} \frac{f(x_0+h) -f(x_0)}{h}.$$` Thus, we can simply approximate `\(f'(x_0)\)` with a small value of `\(h\)` as: `$$f'(x_0) \approx \frac{f(x_0+h) -f(x_0)}{h}.$$` - This formula is known as the **forward-difference** formula if `\(h>0\)` and the **backward-difference** formula if `\(h<0\)`. -- - By Taylor's theorem, the approximation error is `\(O(h)\)` when `\(|f''(\xi)|\)` is bounded for `\(\xi\)` between `\(x_0\)` and `\(x_0+h\)`, because `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{f(x_0+h) - f(x_0)}{h} - \frac{h}{2}\cdot f''(\xi)\\ &= \frac{f(x_0+h) - f(x_0)}{h} + O(h). \end{align*}` --- # Numerical Differentiation: Forward-Difference The following figure presents the forward-difference approximation to `\(f'(x_0)\)` with a small value of `\(h>0\)` as: `$$f'(x_0) \approx \frac{f(x_0+h) -f(x_0)}{h}.$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/forward_diff.png" width="630"/> </p> --- # Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial Before introducing the general derivative approximation formula, we need some prerequisites about polynomial interpolation. - We want to determine a polynomial of degree 1 that passes through (or _interpolates_) two distinct points `\((x_0,f(x_0))\)` and `\((x_1, f(x_1))\)`. -- - Define the functions `$$L_0(x) = \frac{x-x_1}{x_0-x_1} \quad \text{ and } \quad L_1(x) = \frac{x-x_0}{x_1-x_0}.$$` -- - The linear **Lagrange interpolating polynomial** through `\((x_0,y_0)\)` and `\((x_1,y_1)\)` is `$$P(x) = L_0(x)f(x_0) + L_1(x)f(x_1) =\frac{x-x_1}{x_0-x_1} \cdot f(x_0) + \frac{x-x_0}{x_1-x_0} \cdot f(x_1).$$` - `\(P\)` is also the unique polynomial of degree at most 1 that interpolates `\((x_0,y_0)\)` and `\((x_1,y_1)\)`. --- # Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial To generalize the linear interpolation, we consider constructing a polynomial of degree at most `\(n\)` that interpolates the `\((n+1)\)` points: `$$(x_0,f(x_0)),\, (x_1,f(x_1)),\,..., (x_n,f(x_n)).$$` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/poly_inter.png" width="500"/> </p> Define the functions `$$L_{n,k}(x) = \frac{(x-x_0)\cdots (x - x_{k-1}) (x-x_{k+1}) \cdots (x -x_n)}{(x_k-x_0)\cdots (x_k - x_{k-1}) (x_k-x_{k+1}) \cdots (x_k -x_n)}=\prod_{i=0\\ i\neq k}^n \frac{(x-x_i)}{(x_k-x_i)}$$` for `\(k=0,1,...,n\)`. --- # Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial One example graph of the functions `$$L_{n,k}(x) = \frac{(x-x_0)\cdots (x - x_{k-1}) (x-x_{k+1}) \cdots (x -x_n)}{(x_k-x_0)\cdots (x_k - x_{k-1}) (x_k-x_{k+1}) \cdots (x_k -x_n)}=\prod_{i=0\\ i\neq k}^n \frac{(x-x_i)}{(x_k-x_i)}$$` for `\(k=0,1,...,n\)` looks as follows. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Lagrange_poly.png" width="570"/> </p> The `\(n^{th}\)` **Lagrange (interpolating) polynomial** is defined as: `$$P(x) = f(x_0) L_{n,0}(x) + \cdots + f(x_n) L_{n,n}(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(x_k) L_{n,k}(x).$$` --- # Polynomial Approximation Theory **Theorem.** Suppose that `\(x_0,x_1,...,x_n\)` are distinct numbers in `\([a,b]\)` and `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^{n+1}[a,b]\)`. Then, for each `\(x\in [a,b]\)`, there exists a number `\(\xi(x)\in (a,b)\)` such that `$$f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(x_k) L_{n,k}(x) + \frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!} \cdot (x-x_0) (x-x_1) \cdots (x-x_n).$$` -- More generally, **Weierstrass Approximation Theorem** tells us that for each `\(\epsilon >0\)` and `\(f\in \mathcal{C}[a,b]\)`, there exists a polynomial `\(P(x)\)` such that `$$|f(x) - P(x)| < \epsilon \quad \text{ for all } x\in [a,b].$$` In other words, any continuous function can be well-approximated by polynomials of certain degrees. --- # Differentiation: `\((n+1)\)`-Point Formula The above Lagrange polynomial approximation to `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^{n+1}\)` reads `$$f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(x_k) L_{n,k}(x) + \frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!} \cdot (x-x_0) (x-x_1) \cdots (x-x_n).$$` - Differentiating this expression gives `\begin{align*} f'(x) &= \sum_{k=0}^n f(x_k) L_{n,k}'(x) + \left[\frac{d}{dx}\frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!}\right] \prod_{k=0}^n(x-x_k) \\ &\quad + \frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!} \cdot \frac{d}{dx} \prod_{k=0}^n(x-x_k). \end{align*}` -- - Plugging any `\(x_j,j=0,...,n\)` into the above expression gives `$$f'(x_j) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(x_k) L_{n,k}'(x_j) + \frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x_j))}{(n+1)!} \prod_{k=0\\ k\neq j}^n (x_j-x_k),$$` which is called an `\((n+1)\)`-point formula to approximate `\(f'(x_j)\)`. --- # Three-Point Formula When there are only three distinct points `\(\{x_0,x_1,x_2\}\)` in the interval of interest, we know that `$$L_0(x) = \frac{(x-x_1)(x-x_2)}{(x_0-x_1)(x_0-x_2)} \quad \text{ so that } \quad L_0'(x) = \frac{2x - x_1-x_2}{(x_0-x_1)(x_0-x_2)}.$$` Similarly, `\(L_1'(x) = \frac{2x - x_0-x_2}{(x_1-x_0)(x_1-x_2)}\)` and `\(L_2'(x)=\frac{2x - x_0-x_1}{(x_2-x_0)(x_2-x_1)}\)`. -- Thus, based on the previous `\((n+1)\)`-point formula, we obtain that `\begin{align*} f'(x_j) &= f(x_0)\left[\frac{2x_j - x_1-x_2}{(x_0-x_1)(x_0-x_2)} \right] + f(x_1) \left[\frac{2x_j - x_0-x_2}{(x_1-x_0)(x_1-x_2)} \right] \\ & \quad + f(x_2)\left[\frac{2x_j - x_0-x_1}{(x_2-x_0)(x_2-x_1)} \right] + \frac{f^{(3)}(\xi_j)}{6} \prod_{k=0\\ k\neq j}^2 (x_j-x_k) \end{align*}` for each `\(j=0,1,2\)`, where `\(\xi_j\)` depends on `\(x_j\)`. --- # Three-Point Formula Most commonly, we choose equally spaced nodes `$$x_j=x_0, \quad x_1=x_0+h, \quad x_2=x_0+2h \quad \text{ for some } h\neq 0$$` and use the three-point formula to obtain that `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{h}\left[-\frac{3}{2} f(x_0) + 2f(x_0+h) -\frac{1}{2} f(x_0+2h) \right] + \frac{h^2}{3} f^{(3)}(\xi_0),\\ f'(x_0+h) &= \frac{1}{h}\left[-\frac{1}{2} f(x_0) + \frac{1}{2} f(x_0+2h) \right] - \frac{h^2}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi_1),\\ f'(x_0+2h) &= \frac{1}{h}\left[\frac{1}{2} f(x_0) - 2f(x_0+h) + \frac{3}{2} f(x_0+2h) \right] + \frac{h^2}{3} f^{(3)}(\xi_2). \end{align*}` -- Using variable substitutions `\(x_0\gets x_0-h\)` and `\(x_0\gets x_0-2h\)` in the latter two expressions gives `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{h}\left[-\frac{1}{2} f(x_0-h) + \frac{1}{2} f(x_0+h) \right] - \frac{h^2}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi_1),\\ f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{h}\left[\frac{1}{2} f(x_0-2h) - 2f(x_0-h) + \frac{3}{2} f(x_0) \right] + \frac{h^2}{3} f^{(3)}(\xi_2). \end{align*}` --- # Three-Point Formula When `\(|f^{(3)}(x)|\)` is bounded between `\(x_0-2h\)` and `\(x_0+2h\)`, we have the following results. _Three-Point Endpoint Formula_: For `\(\xi_0\)` lying between `\(x_0\)` and `\(x_0+2h\)`, `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{2h}\left[-3 f(x_0) + 4f(x_0+h) - f(x_0+2h) \right] + \frac{h^2}{3} f^{(3)}(\xi_0)\\ &= \frac{1}{2h}\left[-3 f(x_0) + 4f(x_0+h) - f(x_0+2h) \right] + O(h^2). \end{align*}` -- _Three-Point Midpoint Formula_: For `\(\xi_1\)` lying between `\(x_0-h\)` and `\(x_0+h\)`, `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{2h}\left[f(x_0+h) - f(x_0-h) \right] - \frac{h^2}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi_1)\\ &= \frac{1}{2h}\left[f(x_0+h) - f(x_0-h) \right] + O(h^2). \end{align*}` Note: The three-point formulas have smaller approximation errors `\(O(h^2)\)` than the direct approximation `\(f'(x_0)= \frac{f(x_0+h) - f(x_0)}{h} + O(h)\)` when `\(h\)` is small. --- # Five-Point Formula When `\(|f^{(5)}(x)|\)` is bounded between `\(x_0-4h\)` and `\(x_0+4h\)`, we have the following results. _Five-Point Midpoint Formula_: For `\(\xi\)` lying between `\(x_0-2h\)` and `\(x_0+2h\)`, `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{12h}\left[f(x_0-2h) -8f(x_0-h)+ 8f(x_0+h) - f(x_0+2h) \right] \\ &\quad + \frac{h^4}{30} f^{(5)}(\xi). \end{align*}` _Five-Point Endpoint Formula_: For `\(\xi\)` lying between `\(x_0-2h\)` and `\(x_0+2h\)`, `\begin{align*} f'(x_0) &= \frac{1}{12h}\Big[-25f(x_0) +48f(x_0+h) - 36 f(x_0+2h) \\ &\quad \quad + 16 f(x_0+3h) - 3f(x_0+4h) \Big] + \frac{h^4}{5} f^{(5)}(\xi). \end{align*}` Note: The five-point formulas have even smaller approximation errors `\(O(h^4)\)` than the three-point formulas when `\(h\)` is small. --- # Numerical High-Order Differentiation The numerical approximation to high-order derivatives can be defined recursively based on the first-order or lower order derivatives. - However, approximation errors will propagate as we approach higher order derivatives. -- - An alternative way is to utilize the Taylor polynomial or Lagrange polynomial around `\(x_0\)` to construct approximation formulas for higher order derivatives that depend only on the function values around `\(x_0\)`. - _Second-Order Derivative Midpoint formula_: For `\(\xi\)` between `\(x_0-h\)` and `\(x_0+h\)`, `$$f''(x_0) = \frac{1}{h^2}\left[f(x_0-h) -2f(x_0) + f(x_0+h) \right] - \frac{h^2}{12} f^{(4)}(\xi).$$` --- # Numerical Differentiation (Example) We want to compute the derivatives `\(f'(1),f''(1)\)` of `$$f(x)=e^x+\sin(x) -x^3.$$` ```r f = function(x) { return(exp(x) + sin(x) - x^3) } cat("f'(1) =", exp(1)+cos(1)-3) ``` ``` ## f'(1) = 0.2585841 ``` ```r h = 0.005 # Forward-difference for f'(1) (f(1+h) - f(1))/h ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2482603 ``` ```r # Backward-difference for f'(1) (f(1-h) - f(1))/(-h) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2688762 ``` --- # Numerical Differentiation (Example) We want to compute the derivatives `\(f'(1),f''(1)\)` of `$$f(x)=e^x+\sin(x) -x^3.$$` ```r cat("f'(1) =", exp(1)+cos(1)-3) ``` ``` ## f'(1) = 0.2585841 ``` ```r # Three-point endpoint formula for f'(1) (-3*f(1) + 4*f(1+h) - f(1+2*h))/(2*h) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2586159 ``` ```r # Three-point midpoint formula for f'(1) (f(1+h) - f(1-h))/(2*h) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2585682 ``` ```r # Five-point midpoint formula for f'(1) (f(1-2*h) -8*f(1-h) + 8*f(1+h) - f(1+2*h))/(12*h) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2585841 ``` ```r # Five-point endpoint formula for f'(1) (-25*f(1) + 48*f(1+h) - 36*f(1+2*h) + 16*f(1+3*h) - 3*f(1+4*h))/(12*h) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2585841 ``` --- # Numerical Differentiation (Example) We want to compute the derivatives `\(f'(1),f''(1)\)` of `$$f(x)=e^x+\sin(x) -x^3.$$` ```r cat("f''(1) =", exp(1)-sin(1)-6) ``` ``` ## f''(1) = -4.123189 ``` ```r # Second-order derivative midpoint formula (f(1-h) -2*f(1) + f(1+h))/(h^2) ``` ``` ## [1] -4.123182 ``` ```r h = 0.000005 # Second-order derivative midpoint formula (f(1-h) -2*f(1) + f(1+h))/(h^2) ``` ``` ## [1] -4.123155 ``` Note: Choosing a smaller `\(h\)` is not always better. --- # Round-Off Error Instability Why shouldn't we always use a very small `\(h\)` in the derivative approximation formulas? Consider the three-point midpoint formula: `$$f'(x_0) = \frac{1}{2h}\left[f(x_0+h) - f(x_0-h) \right] - \frac{h^2}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi_1).$$` -- - Suppose that we have round-off errors `\(e(x_0+h)\)` and `\(e(x_0-h)\)` in evaluating `\(f(x_0+h), f(x_0-h)\)`, i.e., the actual values that we use are `\begin{align*} \tilde{f}(x_0+h) &= f(x_0+h) + e(x_0+h) \quad \text{ and }\\ \tilde{f}(x_0-h) &= f(x_0-h) + e(x_0-h). \end{align*}` --- # Round-Off Error Instability Why shouldn't we always use a very small `\(h\)` in the derivative approximation formulas? - Thus, when the round-off errors `\(e(x_0\pm h) \leq \epsilon\)` for some `\(\epsilon >0\)` and `\(|f^{(3)}(x)|\leq M\)` in the region of interest, the total error in the approximation becomes `\begin{align*} &\left|f'(x_0) - \frac{\tilde{f}(x_0+h) - \tilde{f}(x_0-h)}{2h} \right| \\ &= \left|-\frac{e(x_0+h) -e(x_0-h)}{2h}- \frac{h^2}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi_1) \right|\\ &\leq \underbrace{\frac{\epsilon}{h}}_{\text{Round-off error}} + \underbrace{\frac{h^2 \cdot M}{6}}_{\text{Truncation error}}. \end{align*}` - When `\(h\)` is small, the truncation error reduces but round-off error increases. - When `\(h\)` is large, the round-off error is small but the truncation error grows. --- # Round-Off Error Instability Why shouldn't we always use a very small `\(h\)` in the derivative approximation formulas? `\begin{align*} &\left|f'(x_0) - \frac{\tilde{f}(x_0+h) - \tilde{f}(x_0-h)}{2h} \right| &\leq \underbrace{\frac{\epsilon}{h}}_{\text{Round-off error}} + \underbrace{\frac{h^2 \cdot M}{6}}_{\text{Truncation error}}. \end{align*}` - The optimal `\(h\)` is `\(\left(\frac{3\epsilon}{M}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}}\)`, which can't be computed in practice! - The choice of `\(h\)` resembles the bias-variance trade-off in statistical prediction. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/bias_var.png" width="570"/> </p> --- # Numerical Integration Recall that the Riemann integral of a function `\(f\)` on the interval `\([a,b]\)` is defined as: `$$\int_a^b f(x) dx = \lim_{\max \Delta x_i \to 0} \sum_{i=1}^n f(z_i) \Delta x_i.$$` - It provides a basic method called **numerical quadrature** for approximating `\(\int_a^b f(x) dx\)` via a sum `\(\sum_{i=0}^n a_i f(x_i)\)`. -- - The idea is to select a set of distinct nodes `\(\{x_0,...,x_n\}\)` from the interval `\([a,b]\)` and integrate the Lagrange (interpolating) polynomial `\(P_n(x) = \sum_{i=0}^n f(x_i) L_{n,i}(x)\)` as: `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \int_a^b \sum_{i=0}^n f(x_i) L_{n,i}(x) dx + \int_a^b \prod_{i=0}^n (x-x_i) \frac{f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x))}{(n+1)!} dx\\ &= \sum_{i=0}^n a_i f(x_i) + \frac{1}{(n+1)!} \int_a^b \prod_{i=0}^n (x-x_i) f^{(n+1)}(\xi(x)) dx. \end{align*}` --- # Numerical Integration The quadrature formula is thus given by `$$\int_a^b f(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=0}^n a_i f(x_i) \quad \text{ with } \quad a_i=\int_a^b L_{n,i}(x) dx, i=0,1,...,n.$$` Before discussing the general situation of quadrature formulas, we first consider formulas produced by using the first and second Lagrange polynomials with equally-spaced nodes: - **Trapezoidal rule** produced by the first Lagrange polynomial with `\(x_0=a\)`, `\(x_1=b\)`, and `\(h=b-a\)`. - **Simpson's rule** produced by the second Lagrange polynomial with `\(x_0=a\)`, `\(x_2=b\)`, `\(x_1=a+h\)`, and `\(h=\frac{b-a}{2}\)`. --- # Trapezoidal Rule To approximate `\(\int_a^b f(x) dx\)`, consider the linear Lagrange polynomial: `$$P_1(x) = \frac{(x-x_1)}{(x_0-x_1)} f(x_0) + \frac{(x-x_0)}{(x_1-x_0)} f(x_1).$$` - Then, with `\(x_0=a\)` and `\(x_1=b\)`, we have that `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \int_{x_0}^{x_1} \left[\frac{(x-x_1)}{(x_0-x_1)} f(x_0) + \frac{(x-x_0)}{(x_1-x_0)} f(x_1) \right] dx \\ &\quad + \frac{1}{2} \int_{x_0}^{x_1} f''(\xi(x)) (x-x_0) (x-x_1) dx. \end{align*}` -- - By Weighted Mean Value Theorem for Integrals, there exists `\(\xi\in (x_0,x_1)\)` such that when `\(h=b-a\)`, `\begin{align*} \int_{x_0}^{x_1} f''(\xi(x)) (x-x_0) (x-x_1) dx &= f''(\xi) \int_{x_0}^{x_1} (x-x_0) (x-x_1) dx\\ &= -\frac{h^3}{6} f''(\xi). \end{align*}` --- # Trapezoidal Rule Therefore, the Trapezoidal rule approximates `\(\int_a^b f(x) dx\)` by `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \frac{h}{2} \left[f(a) + f(b)\right] -\underbrace{\frac{h^3}{12} f''(\xi)}_{\text{Truncation error}} \quad \text{ with } \quad h=b-a. \end{align*}` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/trapezoidal_rule.png" width="600"/> </p> Note: This is called the Trapezoidal rule because when `\(f\)` is a function with positive values, `\(\int_a^b f(x) dx\)` is approximated by the area of a trapezoid. --- # Simpson's Rule Simpson's rule results from integrating the second Lagrange polynomial over `\([a,b]\)` with `\(x_0=a\)`, `\(x_2=b\)`, `\(x_1=a+h\)`, and `\(h=\frac{b-a}{2}\)` as: `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \int_{x_0}^{x_2} \Bigg[ \frac{(x-x_1)(x-x_2)}{(x_0-x_1)(x_0-x_2)} f(x_0) + \frac{(x-x_0)(x-x_2)}{(x_1-x_0)(x_1-x_2)} f(x_1) \\ &\quad \quad + \frac{(x-x_0)(x-x_2)}{(x_2-x_0)(x_2-x_1)} f(x_2) \Bigg] dx \\ &\quad + \int_{x_0}^{x_2} \frac{(x-x_0)(x-x_1)(x-x_2)}{6} f^{(3)}(\xi(x)) dx. \end{align*}` -- By some tedious algebra and the Weighted Mean Value Theorem for Integrals, we obtain that `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \frac{h}{3} \left[f(x_0) + 4f(x_1) + f(x_2)\right] -\underbrace{\frac{h^5}{90} f^{(4)}(\xi)}_{\text{Truncation error}} \end{align*}` for some `\(\xi \in (a,b)\)`. --- # Simpson's Rule `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \frac{h}{3} \left[f(a) + 4f\left(\frac{a+b}{2} \right) + f(b)\right] -\underbrace{\frac{h^5}{90} f^{(4)}(\xi)}_{\text{Truncation error}} \end{align*}` with `\(h=\frac{b-a}{2}\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/simpson_rule.png" width="750"/> </p> --- # Closed Newton-Cotes Formulas More generally, the `\((n+1)\)`-point **closed Newton-Cotes formula** uses nodes `\(x_i=x_0+ih\)` for `\(i=0,1,...,n\)`, where `\(x_0=a\)`, `\(x_n=b\)`, and `\(h=\frac{b-a}{n}\)`, in the quadrature formula: `$$\int_a^b f(x) dx = \begin{cases} \sum\limits_{i=0}^n a_i f(x_i) + \frac{h^{n+3} f^{(n+2)}(\xi)}{(n+2)!} \int_0^n r^2 (t-1)\cdots (t-n) dt \,\text{ if } n \text{ is even},\\ \sum\limits_{i=0}^n a_i f(x_i) + \frac{h^{n+2} f^{(n+2)}(\xi)}{(n+1)!} \int_0^n r^2 (t-1)\cdots (t-n) dt\, \text{ if } n \text{ is odd}, \end{cases}$$` for some `\(\xi\in (a,b)\)` and `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^{n+2}[a,b]\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/closed_newton.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Closed Newton-Cotes Formulas Some of the common closed Newton-Cotes formulas are: - `\(n=1\)`: Trapezoidal rule `$$\int_{x_0}^{x_1} f(x) dx = \frac{h}{2}\left[f(x_0) + f(x_1) \right] - \frac{h^3}{12} f''(\xi) \quad \text{ with } \quad x_0 < \xi < x_1.$$` - `\(n=2\)`: Simpson's rule `$$\int_{x_0}^{x_2} f(x) dx = \frac{h}{3}\left[f(x_0) + 4f(x_1) + f(x_2) \right] - \frac{h^5}{90} f^{(4)}(\xi) \, \text{ with } \, x_0 < \xi < x_2.$$` - `\(n=3\)`: Simpson's Three-Eighths rule `\begin{align*} \int_{x_0}^{x_3} f(x) dx &= \frac{3h}{8}\left[f(x_0) + 3f(x_1) + 3f(x_2) + f(x_3)\right] - \frac{3h^5}{80} f^{(4)}(\xi) \\ & \text{ with } \quad x_0 < \xi < x_3. \end{align*}` --- # Composite Numerical Integration The Newton-Cotes formulas are generally _unsuitable_ for use over large integration intervals. - High-degree formulas would be required, and the values of the coefficients in these formulas are difficult to obtain. - The equally-spaced nodes may lead to high errors of the low-order Newton-Cotes formulas due to the oscillatory nature of high-degree polynomials. -- **Solution.** To evaluate `\(\int_a^b f(x)dx\)`, 1. Choose an even integer `\(n\)`; 2. Subdivide `\([a,b]\)` into `\(n\)` subintervals; 3. Apply Simpson's rule on each consecutive pair of subintervals. --- # Composite Numerical Integration Let `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^4[a,b]\)`, `\(n\)` be even, `\(h=(b-a)/n\)`, and `\(x_j=a+jh\)` for each `\(j=0,1,...,n\)`. There exists a `\(\mu\in (a,b)\)` such that `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \frac{h}{3}\left[f(a) + 2\sum_{j=1}^{(n/2)-1} f(x_{2j}) + 4 \sum_{j=1}^{n/2} f(x_{2j-1}) + f(b)\right] \\ &\quad - \frac{(b-a)}{180} h^4 f^{(4)}(\mu). \end{align*}` Note: The error term for the above **Composite Simpson's rule** is `\(O(h^4)\)` with `\(h=(b-a)/n\)`, whereas it was `\(O(h^5)\)` with `\(h=(b-a)/2\)` for the standard Simpson's rule. Thus, the truncation error of Composite Simpson's rule is smaller when `\(n\)` is large. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/comp_simpson.png" width="600"/> </p> --- # Composite Numerical Integration Similarly, we have the **Composite Trapezoidal rule** as follows. Let `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^2[a,b]\)`, `\(h=(b-a)/n\)`, and `\(x_j=a+jh\)` for each `\(j=0,1,...,n\)`. There exists a `\(\mu\in (a,b)\)` such that `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= \frac{h}{2}\left[f(a) + 2\sum_{j=1}^{n-1} f(x_j) + f(b)\right] - \frac{(b-a)}{12} h^2 f''(\mu). \end{align*}` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/comp_trape.png" width="650"/> </p> --- # Composite Numerical Integration Finally, we have the **Composite Midpoint rule** as follows. Let `\(f\in \mathcal{C}^2[a,b]\)`, `\(n\)` be even, `\(h=(b-a)/(n+2)\)`, and `\(x_j=a+(j+1)h\)` for each `\(j=-1,0,...,n+1\)`. There exists a `\(\mu\in (a,b)\)` such that `\begin{align*} \int_a^b f(x) dx &= 2h\sum_{j=0}^{n/2} f(x_{2j}) + \frac{(b-a)}{6} h^2 f''(\mu). \end{align*}` <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/comp_midpoint.png" width="650"/> </p> --- # Numerical Integration (Example) Suppose that we want to evaluate the integral `\(\int_0^3 e^{-x^3} dx\)`. ```r f = function(x) { return(exp(-x^3)) } integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 3) ``` ``` ## 0.8929795 with absolute error < 4.5e-05 ``` ```r # Trapezoidal rule (f(0) + f(3))*3/2 ``` ``` ## [1] 1.5 ``` ```r # Simpson's rule (f(0) + 4*f(3/2) + f(3))*3/6 ``` ``` ## [1] 0.5684362 ``` ```r # Simpson's Three-Eighths rule (f(0) + 3*f(1) + 3*f(2) + f(3))*3/8 ``` ``` ## [1] 0.7892418 ``` --- # Numerical Integration (Example) Suppose that we want to evaluate the integral `\(\int_0^3 e^{-x^3} dx\)`. ```r integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 3) ``` ``` ## 0.8929795 with absolute error < 4.5e-05 ``` ```r # Composite Simpson's rule compSimpson = function(f, lower = 0, upper = 1, n = 10) { if (n %% 2 != 0) stop("The input n should be an even integer") pts = seq(lower, upper, by = (upper - lower)/n) pts = pts[2:(n-1)] odd_ind = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), times = (n-2)/2) res = (f(lower) + 4*sum(f(pts[odd_ind])) + 2*sum(f(pts[!odd_ind])) + f(upper)) * (upper - lower)/(3*n) return(res) } compSimpson(f, lower = 0, upper = 3, n = 30) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.8929828 ``` --- # Numerical Integration (Example) Suppose that we want to evaluate the integral `\(\int_0^3 e^{-x^3} dx\)`. ```r integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 3) ``` ``` ## 0.8929795 with absolute error < 4.5e-05 ``` ```r # Composite Trapezoidal rule compTrape = function(f, lower = 0, upper = 1, n = 10) { pts = seq(lower, upper, by = (upper - lower)/n) return((2*sum(f(pts)) - f(lower) - f(upper)) * (upper - lower)/(2*n)) } compTrape(f, lower = 0, upper = 3, n = 30) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.8929787 ``` --- # Numerical Integration (Example) Suppose that we want to evaluate the integral `\(\int_0^3 e^{-x^3} dx\)`. ```r integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 3) ``` ``` ## 0.8929795 with absolute error < 4.5e-05 ``` ```r # Composite Midpoint rule compMidpoint = function(f, lower = 0, upper = 1, n = 10) { if (n %% 2 != 0) stop("The input n should be an even integer") pts = seq(lower, upper, by = (upper - lower)/n) even_ind = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), times = n+1) return(sum(f(pts[even_ind]))*(2*(upper - lower)) / (n+2)) } compTrape(f, lower = 0, upper = 3, n = 30) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.8929787 ``` --- # Laplace's Method of Integration Consider an integral of the form `\(I=\int_a^b e^{-\lambda g(x)} h(x) dx\)`, where 1. `\(g(x)\)` is a smooth function that has a local minimum at `\(x^* \in (a,b)\)`; 2. `\(h(x)\)` is smooth and `\(\lambda > 0\)` is large. _Example_: - The integral `\(I\)` can be the moment generating function of `\(g(Y)\)` when `\(Y\)` has density `\(h\)`. - The integral `\(I\)` could be a posterior expectation of `\(h(Y)\)`. -- _Key observation_: - When `\(\lambda\)` is large, the integral `\(I\)` is essentially determined by the values of `\(e^{-\lambda g(x)} h(x)\)` around `\(x^*\)`. --- # Laplace's Method of Integration We formalize the observation by Taylor's theorem of `\(g\)` around `\(x^*\)`: `$$g(x) = g(x^*) + g'(x^*) (x-x^*) + \frac{g''(x^*)}{2} (x-x^*)^2+o\left(|x-x^*|^2\right).$$` -- - Since `\(x^*\)` is a local minimum, we have `\(g'(x^*)=0\)`, `\(g''(x^*)>0\)`, and `$$g(x) - g(x^*) = \frac{g''(x^*)}{2} (x-x^*)^2+o\left(|x-x^*|^2\right).$$` -- - If we further approximate `\(h(x)\)` linearly around `\(x^*\)`, we obtain that `\begin{align*} I &= \int_a^b e^{-\lambda g(x)} h(x) dx\\ &\approx e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} h(x^*) \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \underbrace{e^{-\frac{\lambda g''(x^*)}{2}(x-x^*)^2}}_{\text{Density of }Normal\left(x^*, \frac{1}{\lambda g''(x^*)}\right)} dx \\ &\quad + e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} h'(x^*) \underbrace{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (x-x^*) e^{-\frac{\lambda g''(x^*)}{2}(x-x^*)^2} dx}_{=0}\\ &= e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} h(x^*) \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\lambda g''(x^*)}} \end{align*}` --- # Laplace's Method of Integration The Laplace's method for approximating the integral is typically very accurate, in that `\begin{align*} I &= \int_a^b e^{-\lambda g(x)} h(x) dx\\ &= e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} h(x^*) \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\lambda g''(x^*)}} \left[1+ O\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}\right) \right]\\ &\equiv A\left[1+ O\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}\right) \right]. \end{align*}` - The relative error `\(\frac{I-A}{A}\)` is of order `\(O\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}\right)\)` and thus remains bounded _even when multiplied with `\(\lambda\)`_ for `\(\lambda \to \infty\)`. --- # Laplace's Method of Integration (Example) Consider the Gamma function `\(\Gamma(x)=\int_0^{\infty} t^{x-1} e^{-t} dt\)`. - Recall that `\(\Gamma(n+1)=n!\)` for an integer `\(n\geq 0\)`. - In general, `\(\Gamma(\lambda+1)=\int_0^{\infty} t^{\lambda} e^{-t} dt\)`. Substituting `\(t=\lambda x\)` and letting `\(g(x)=x-\log x\)`, we obtain that `\begin{align*} \Gamma(\lambda +1) =\lambda \int_0^{\infty} (\lambda x)^{\lambda} e^{-\lambda x} dx &=\lambda^{\lambda +1} \int_0^{\infty} e^{-\lambda (x-\log x)}dx \\ &= \lambda^{\lambda +1} \int_0^{\infty} e^{-\lambda g(x)}dx. \end{align*}` --- # Laplace's Method of Integration (Example) To use Laplace's method, we compute that `$$g'(x)=1-\frac{1}{x} \quad\text{ and }\quad g''(x)=\frac{1}{x^2}$$` so that `\(x^*=1\)`, `\(g(x^*)=1\)`, and `\(g''(x^*)=1\)`. - Laplace's method now yields that `\begin{align*} \Gamma(\lambda +1) &\approx \lambda^{\lambda+1} e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\lambda g''(x^*)}} \\ &= \lambda^{\lambda+\frac{1}{2}} e^{-\lambda} \sqrt{2\pi}, \end{align*}` which is known as **Stirling's formula**. --- # Laplace's Method of Integration (Example) By expanding the function `\(g\)` further in Laplace's method, the error of approximation can be improved for a constant function `\(h\)` as: `\begin{align*} \tilde{I} &= \int_a^b e^{-\lambda g(x)} dx\\ &= e^{-\lambda g(x^*)} \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\lambda g''(x^*)}} \left[1 + \frac{5\rho_3^* -3\rho_4^*}{24\lambda} + O\left(\frac{1}{\lambda^2} \right) \right], \end{align*}` where `$$\rho_3^* = \frac{g^{(3)}(x^*)}{\left[g''(x^*)\right]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \quad \text{ and } \quad \rho_4^* = \frac{g^{(4)}(x^*)}{\left[g''(x^*)\right]^2}.$$` --- # Laplace's Method of Integration (Example) - In this fashion, we can also get **Stirling's improved formula** as: `$$\Gamma(\lambda+1)=\lambda^{\lambda+\frac{1}{2}} e^{-\lambda} \sqrt{2\pi}\left[1+\frac{1}{12\lambda} + O\left(\frac{1}{\lambda^2} \right) \right],$$` which is remarkably accurate even for relatively small `\(\lambda\)`. <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/Gamma_func.png" width="650"/> </p> - Laplace's method also works for integrating multivariate function; see the [notes]( --- # Summary - Computers store and recognize numbers and characters as a sequence of bits (binary digits). - Double-precision floating point number uses a 64-bit representation for a real number. - Generally, the concept of linear convergence serves as a criterion for a fast convergence of an algorithm/sequence. - The root-finding problem focuses on solving the equation `\(f(x)=0\)` for some function `\(f:\mathbb{R}^{d_1} \to \mathbb{R}^{d_2}\)`. - Bisection method; - Fixed-point iteration and its connection to power iteration; - Newton's method and its variants. --- # Summary - Numerical differentiation and integration rely on the Lagrange (interpolating) polynomial. - We discuss the `\((n+1)\)`-point formula for numerical differentiation. - We study Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and their composite versions for numerical integration. Submit Lab 7 on Gradescope by the end of Monday (March 11) and the final project by the end of Friday (March 15)!!