Total Points: 45

Part 1. Random Number Generation and ECDFs (4+5+5 pts)

  1. Generate the following objects, save them to variables (with names of your choosing), and call head() on those variables.
    • A vector with 60 draws from \(\mathrm{Beta}(0.1, 0.1)\).
    • A vector of 200 characters sampled with replacement uniformly from “A”, “G”, “C”, and “T”.
    • A data frame with a column x that contains 100 draws from \(\mathrm{Unif}(0, 3)\), and a column y that contains 100 draws of the form \(y_i \sim \mathrm{Unif}(0, x_i)\), where \(x_i\) is the i-th element of column x. Do this without using explicit iteration.
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here
  1. You are given a function called plotCumMeans() to plot the cumulative sample mean as the sample size increases.
# plotCumMeans: plot cumulative sample mean as a function of sample size
# Inputs:
# - rfun: function which generates random draws
# - n.max: number of samples to draw
# Ouptut: none
plotCumMeans = function(rfun, n.max) {
  samples = rfun(n.max)
  plot(1:n.max, cumsum(samples) / 1:n.max, type = "l", 
       xlab = "Cumulative sample size", ylab = "Sample mean")

Use this function to make plots for the following distributions, with n.max = 20000. Then answer: do the sample means start concentrating around the appropriate value as the sample size increases?

Hint: for each case, you should construct a new anonymous function to pass as the rfun argument to plotCumMeans(). For instance, you should pass function(n) rnorm(n, mean = -3, sd = sqrt(10)) as the rfun argument to plotCumMeans() for the first case.

set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here
  1. For the same distributions in Part 1-2 above, we will do the following.
    • Generate 10, 100, 1000 random samples from each of the following distributions.
      • \(N(-3, 10)\), where 10 is the variance.
      • \(\mathrm{Exp}(\mathrm{mean}=5)\).
    • Generate 10, 50, 100 random samples from the following distribution.
      • \(\mathrm{Cauchy}(\mathrm{location}=-1, \mathrm{scale}=2)\).
    • On a single plot, display the ECDFs (empirical cumulative distribution functions) from each set of samples, and the true CDF, with each curve being displayed in a different color.

In order to do this, we will write a function plotECDF(rfun, pfun, sizes) which takes as its arguments the single-argument random number generating function rfun, the corresponding single-argument cumulative distribution function pfun, and a vector of sample sizes sizes for which to plot the ecdf.

We’ve already started to define plotECDF() below, but we’ve left it incomplete. Fill in the definition by editing the lines with “##” and “??”, and then run it on the same distributions as in Part 1-2.

Note: make sure to remove eval=FALSE, after you’ve edited the function, to see the results.

# plotECDF: plots ECDFs along with the true CDF, for varying sample sizes
# Inputs:
# - rfun: function which generates n random draws, when called as rfun(n)
# - pfun: function which calculates the true CDF at x, when called as pfun(x)
# - sizes: a vector of sample sizes
# Output: none
plotECDF = function(rfun, pfun, sizes) {
  # Draw the random numbers
  ## samples = lapply(sizes, ??)

  # Calculate the grid for the CDF
  grid.min = min(sapply(samples, min))
  grid.max = max(sapply(samples, max))
  grid = seq(grid.min, grid.max, length=1000)

  # Calculate the ECDFs
  ## ecdfs = lapply(samples, ??)
  evals = lapply(ecdfs, function(f) f(grid))

  # Plot the true CDF
  ## plot(grid, ??, type="l", col="black", xlab="x", ylab = "P(X <= x)", lwd=3)

  # Plot the ECDFs on top
  n.sizes = length(sizes)
  cols = rainbow(n.sizes)
  for (i in 1:n.sizes) {
    lines(grid, evals[[i]], col=cols[i], lwd=1.5)
  legend("topleft", legend=sizes, col=cols, lwd=3)
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code for plotting goes here

Part 2. Drug Effect Simulation (2+2+3+4+2+3 pts)

We continue studying the drug effect model that was discussed in Lecture 6 Slides. Recall that we believe those who are not given the drug experience a reduction in tumor size of percentage as: \[X_{\mathrm{no\,drug}} \sim 100 \cdot \mathrm{Exp}(\mathrm{mean}=R), \;\;\; R \sim \mathrm{Unif}(0,1),\] whereas those who were given the drug experience a reduction in tumor size of percentage as: \[X_{\mathrm{drug}} \sim 100 \cdot \mathrm{Exp}(\mathrm{mean}=2).\]

  1. Look the code chunk in the lecture that generated data according to the above model. Write a function around this code called simulateData() that takes two arguments:

Your function should return a list with two vectors called no_drug and drug. Each of these two vectors should have length n, containing the percentage reduction in tumor size under the appropriate condition (not taking the drug or taking the drug).

# Your code goes here
  1. Run your function simulateData() without any arguments (hence, relying on the default values of n and mu_drug), and store the output in results1. Print out the first 6 values in both the results1$no_drug and results1$drug vectors. Now, run simulateData() again, and store its output in results2. Again, print out the first 6 values in both the results2$no_drug and results2$drug vectors. We have effectively simulated two hypothetical datasets. Note that we shouldn’t expect the values from results1 and results2 to be the same.
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here
  1. Compute the following three numbers: the absolute difference in the mean values of no_drug between results1 and results2, the absolute difference in the mean values of drug between results1 and results2, and the absolute difference in mean values of no_drug and drug in results1.

Answer in words: Of these three numbers, which one is the largest, and does this make sense?

# Your code goes here
  1. Now, we want to visualize the simulated data. Fortunately, the code to visualize the data is already provided for you in our Lecture 6 slides. Write a function around this code, called plotData() that takes just one argument data, which is a list with components drug and no_drug.

To be clear, this function should create a single plot, with two overlaid histograms, one fordata$no_drug (in gray) and one for data$drug (in red), with the same 20 bins. It should also overlay a density curve for each histogram in the appropriate colors, and produce a legend. Once written, call plotData() on both results1 and results2.

# Your code goes here
  1. Generate a new simulated dataset using simulateData() where n=1000 and mu_drug=1.1, and plot the results using plotData(). In one or two sentences, explain the differences that you see between this plot and the two you produced in the last problem.
# Your code goes here
  1. Combine the simulateData() function, where n=2000 and mu_drug=1.6, with the replicate() function that we learned in Lecture 6 slides to generate 3000 simulated datasets and compute the absolute difference in mean values of no_drug and drug for each of the simulated dataset. Output both the mean and variance of all these absolute differences.
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here

Part 3. Bootstrap (3+7+5 pts)

In this problem, you will use the nonparametric/empirical and parametric bootstrap to estimate the mean of an exponential distribution \(\text{Exponential}(\lambda)\) with density \[f(x)=\lambda \exp(-\lambda x) \quad \text{ for } \quad x\geq 0.\] Suppose that you are given some data X_dat from an exponential distribution with rate \(\lambda=\frac{1}{3}\) as follows. You may need to read about the relation between the rate \(\lambda\) of the exponential distribution \(\text{Exponential}(\lambda)\) and its mean by typing ?rexp.

# Don't change this chunk
X_dat = rexp(100, rate = 1/3)
  1. Compute and output the empirical mean \(T=\bar{X}_n\) and its standard error of X_dat. In addition, plot the histogram of X_dat with freq=FALSE.
# Your code goes here
  1. Use the nonparametric bootstrap with the re-sampling times as \(B=3000\) to estimate and output the standard error for \(T\). In addition, output the normal, pivotal, and percentile confidence intervals with the nominal level 90%.
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here
  1. Assume that you know the data X_dat come from an exponential distribution \(\text{Exponential}(\lambda)\), but its rate \(\lambda\) is unknown. Estimate the rate \(\lambda\) by the empirical mean \(T=\bar{X}_n\). Then, use the parametric bootstrap with the re-sampling times as \(B=3000\) to estimate and output the standard error for \(T\). In addition, output the normal, pivotal, and percentile confidence intervals with the nominal level 90%.
set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here

Part 4. Validity of the Bootstrap Confidence Intervals (Extra Credit: 5 pts)

Note: The extra credit in the problem can only be applied to any of your lost points in this Lab 6 assignment. The total points that you can earn for Lab 6 are still capped at 45.

We again use the exponential distribution with rate \(\lambda=\frac{1}{3}\) to check the validity of normal, pivotal, and percentile confidence intervals based on the nonparametric bootstrap. Taking the normal confidence interval as an example, we do the following procedure.

  1. Generate X_dat from an exponential distribution with \(n=100\) and rate \(\lambda=\frac{1}{3}\) and compute the mean statistic \(T=\bar{X}_n\) of X_dat.

  2. Use the nonparametric bootstrap with the re-sampling times as \(B=3000\) to construct the normal confidence interval with nominal level 90%.

  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for \(N=600\) times and compute the proportion of normal confidence intervals covering the true mean \(\frac{1}{\lambda}=3\). Is this proportion close to 90%? (Hint: You may need two nested replicate() functions or use a replicate() function within the for loop.)

Do the same procedure for the pivotal and percentile confidence intervals with nominal level 90%. Which type of the confidence interval is closest to 90%?

set.seed(123)  # Don't change this line
# Your code goes here